Porcelain Veneers Cost
In Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and West Hollywood CA, the cost of porcelain veneers varies, depending on the complexity of the case, the patient’s desire, the final color, the occlusion (bite), the expertise of the dentist placing the veneers, and the know-how of the cosmetic dentist in his ability to conserve your tooth enamel for the longevity and success. All of these factors go into determining the cost of veneers.
If you or someone you love is interested in improving your smile and want to learn more about porcelain veneers’ cost, schedule a consultation with a dedicated Los Angeles cosmetic dentist to the stars, Dr. Anthony Mobasser. Let his 30+ years of experience help you achieve the smile of your dreams!
Why does the cost of veneers vary so much?
The elite cosmetic dentists do veneers day in and day out, are experts in the field, have done thousands of veneers, can do smile design so the veneers fit their patient faces, and give them what they want. They use master ceramist experts and because of their dedication and command more money due to their expertise, smile designs, and their track record in which their veneers last over 20 years and will look good and function well. Dr. Anthony Mobasser is considered to be a top veneer dentist not only in the US but around the globe.
His experience, keen eyes for design and dexterity, and track record of having his veneers look great and function in his patient’s mouth for more than 30 years.
Does the shaping of teeth matter before getting veneers?
The preparation of the teeth is of vital importance. His philosophy of minimal preparation of the tooth, shaping teeth to preserve tooth structure and his unique bonding protocol increases the longevity of veneers 10 fold. Unfortunately, we have seen many patients disappointed when they hear they thought they got veneers when they actually got crowns!
Know that veneers are conservative treatment and if for any reason a veneer fails, the next choice will be crown, but if one has a crown, you can never go back to veneer.
Modern dental technology has made porcelain veneers more convenient for patients. They are more lifelike and stronger than enamel. Porcelain veneers also can resemble that of a natural dental enamel or bleach white.
With digital imaging systems, dentists can accomplish one-day restorations that are a near-perfect match to the natural color of your teeth, or alter the color of your teeth permanently.
What is the price range of porcelain veneers?
The cost of having porcelain veneers will depend on the patient’s overall condition, and the dentist’s experience and knowledge. Per tooth, the cost varies. The range and the cost of veneers in Los Angeles are somewhere from $1500 to $5500.
The cost of veneers also depends on the technicians used by the dentist to fabricate the veneers, The cost varies and depends on if the Aesthetic dentist is using an average laboratory or a master ceramist, the choice of porcelain material, the smile designer who is performing the procedure, his protocol on how he bonds the veneers, the success rate of his past veneers, and the longevity of how long the veneers stay in his patient’s mouth functioning perfectly as the day they were placed.
Before and After Porcelain Veneers (Emax)
Time always reveals the truth. Dental materials can alter the price of dental veneers. Other issues can affect the full cost of veneers, such as the complexity of your smile to be redesigned, the wear and tear on the existing teeth, the exposure of dentin, loss of enamel, the existing alignment of your teeth, the final custom color you desire, the architecture of the gums surrounding your teeth, your existing bite and occlusion. These factors will include but are not limited to the following:
Does porcelain veneer cost differ depending on the type of veneer?
Porcelain veneers can be made from various types of dental porcelain such as feldspathic ( stacking porcelain), Procera, Emax, empress, milled porcelain vs pressed porcelain, and many other types. The latest and most durable material would cost more than the cost of opting for older products.
Each has its benefits and pitfalls, the experience of the dentist to know when to use a specific type of porcelain is priceless. The placement procedures, such as the bonding protocol of the dentist can also impact the cost. For example, thin veneers can carry a higher cost due to dexterity and the choice of bonding material needed to make the veneer life-like, at the same time make it last for many years to come.
The type of porcelain combined with the design of the smile to mimic the shape, length, and width to match the desired personality for each smile by the dentist is priceless.
Does the cost of veneer vary if Doing one front tooth?
To have one front tooth done to match exactly the other teeth surrounding and opposing is one of the most challenging tasks for a cosmetic dentist and his master ceramist. Of course, it carries a higher price, due to the amount of work, custom coloring, and contouring it requires.
Prices for single front tooth restoration can go to $5000 and even higher, depending on the custom color required and the number of visits required. When seeking smile makeover with porcelain veneers, it is best to evaluate your smile line and the number of teeth you show, upon smiling to the sides and upon talking and consult with Dr. Mobasser, on how you can get a younger, fuller smile, with the right color, and what is the best method to transform your smile? Of course, a consultation visit is required to discuss all the above.
Does the location have anything to do with the veneer cost?
The location of your cosmetic dentist is a minor factor in determining the cost of porcelain veneers. It is known that veneers will cost a bit more if they’re done in a major metropolitan area. They tend to be cheaper in a less populated area, and generally speaking most expert veneer dentists are in a more Metropolitan area, such as Hollywood, Beverly Hills or Los Angeles Ca. But location aside the cost factor depends on the complexity of the case and the dentist’s experience.
Do veneers cost more by an expert dentist?
Highly qualified cosmetic dentists, such as Dr. Anthony Mobasser, charge higher fees to place porcelain veneers than less experienced dentists. The credibility of Dr. Mobasser speaks both quality and volumes. He’s the authority in cosmetic dentistry and the go-to dentist in LA and Beverly Hills Ca.
He works with the best master ceramist to manifest the best veneers which will match your face, your lips, your skin, and your personality. Dr. Mobasser commands higher fees, not just for porcelain veneers placement but also for his smile designs and his knowledge and expertise in the cosmetic dentistry field.
His prices are reasonable considering his vast experience and expertise. The results of his cosmetic dentistry procedures have lasted more than three decades. His clients have gotten more than what they’ve ever imagined.
When it comes to the placement of porcelain veneers, you should never settle with cheap dentistry. Keep in mind that your dental health is the most worthwhile investment. Veneers can offer you lifelike results. After the procedure, you’ll feel more confident than you’ve felt in years.
Before and After Dental Porcelain Veneers
Dental Investment
When a dentist offers you cheap porcelain veneers, you should think twice. Keep in mind that not all dentists are cosmetic dentists. Most dentists who offer affordable cosmetic dentistry services are on a volume and quantity basis, have no extensive experience, or training.
Thus, patients, who receive affordable cosmetic dentistry costs do not have high expectations. The success rate of Dr. Anthony Mobasser’s cosmetic dentistry services is high, plus he believes in the preservation of your tooth structure with the least invasive cosmetic dentistry procedures.
His treatments are still looking awesome after 25 years in his patient’s mouth. Why risk your dental health if you could get high-quality results from a well-experienced dentist?
Does Insurance cover porcelain veneers or dental veneers?
Most dental insurance companies do not cover dental veneers for cosmetic purposes! You must check with the dental insurance carrier. There are instances in which some insurance companies cover dental veneers due to health reasons, and that depends.
Most insurance companies have a maximum calendar year of $1000 to $2000 per year, and it is not wise to get dental insurance thinking it will cover your veneers. Porcelain veneers are considered to be a discretionary procedure, so do not count on your medical or dental insurance to pay. To know more about the porcelain veneers cost by Dr. Anthony Mobasser, please call 310-550-0383, By Appointment Only!
How long do veneers last?
The cost of porcelain veneers depends on, how long the veneers will last you? how comfortable your veneers are? Do they give you any problems? do they function well? and do they match your face? and of course who is doing them?
Above you see 2 examples of veneers on upper and lower front teeth, placed in 1988 by Dr. Anthony Mobasser, the porcelain veneers have lasted the patient over 30 years, and still looking great and functioning well, and the patient is so satisfied with them that he does not want to change non of the veneers! all he does is to come for their 4 to 6-month preventative visits, to protect their investments, and feel good!
If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about the cost of porcelain veneers, schedule a free consultation with the top cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles, Dr. Anthony Mobasser. Let his 30+ years of experience work for you.
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