Snap on Smile in Los Angeles
Get a Snap-On Smile in Los Angeles by Dr. Anthony Mobasser
A Snap-on Smile is a removable appliance that covers the patient’s teeth. Thus, you can change the color and shape of teeth. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of cosmetic dentistry.
The PROS are:
- There is no anesthetic involved
- It is reversible (if you do not like it, you do not wear it)
- There is usually no drilling involved
- The dentist can use it as a diagnostic tool for the bite and possibly TMJ (TMD)
- There is the possibility of cosmetic enhancement when it is INDICATED
- It can be a precursor to thin dental veneers, lumineers, or porcelain veneers
- It can close spaces to a certain extent, overcoming DENTAL PHOBIA
- Immediate gratification is possible
- It is a quick fix to get white smile
- It is a fraction of the cost of placing ten plus veneers.
The CONS: they are fragile, so they can fracture or break * since it goes over your teeth, they are going to appear BULKIER than your teeth * they will not have the same look as your natural teeth or a well-made porcelain veneer * it is a compromised smile makeover * it is not recommended for a severe bruxer or clencher * the possibility of fracture does exist * it does not last as long as other cosmetic treatments * it can interfere with SPEECH and phonetics, since they are longer than your teeth and they are joined * it is not indicated for people who like their existing length and width of their teeth and do not want them altered.
I believe the AESTHETIC (or esthetic) DENTIST should evaluate the patient, take necessary records, discern patient needs and wants, and then discuss all options and pros and cons with the patient.
If you are interested further, please call 310-550-0383 for your in-depth one-to-one consultation to see if a snap-on smile is for you.
We started with a full-mouth evaluation, using digital X-rays, study models, and a bite analysis. After treating infections, Dr. Anthony Mobasser raised her bite to open up the space between her nose and chin. This step immediately restored youthful fullness to her face, making her look years younger.
Next, Dr. Mobasser designed transitional veneers that enhanced the function and aesthetics of her teeth. She didn’t want her teeth to appear too white, so he chose a shade that gave her a beautiful, natural smile.
When her veneers were delivered just 10 days later, she was moved to tears. She told us, “Dr. Anthony Mobasser’s transitional veneers made me complete. Now I can get my husband!” She left the office glowing with confidence and excited for what’s to come.
Snap-On smile is also known as:
- Transitional veneers
- Snap-on veneers
- Clip on Veneers
Before wanting removable veneers, the patient needs to have a full mouth evaluation to ensure the gums and teeth are healthy and without disease. The bite or occlusion needs to be checked and screened by Dr. Mobasser. If caries, gum inflammation, or chipped teeth are present, they must be treated before getting the Transitional Veneers.
Snap-on Smile is not PLASTIC. Some products over the counter or online do not use superior material for this purpose. Our material used in the dental laboratory to make snap-on veneers is DURACETAL Resin, which has minimal flex and strength and is similar to PMMA: poly ( methyl methacrylate), which is bio-compatible. The Transitional veneers will need to have impressions taken by the cosmetic dentist, sent to the Dental lab, mounted and then waxed up, and finally milled.
The cost of a snap-on smile done professionally is $2500 and up, depending on custom work needed per arch, such as color, missing teeth, bite adjustments, etc. The snap-on veneers take two weeks or, in a rush case, can take a week to be customized and fabricated, so it is not a same-day procedure!
With transitional veneers, patients can function, speak and chew normally, lasting 2 to 5 years if properly cared for. Patients must avoid hard food, candy, taffy, crusted bread, and stained food. Snap-on veneers are a cosmetic dental procedure not covered by dental insurance.
Since the snap-on veneers go over the teeth, changing shape and color adds a slight thickness and contour to your teeth. This is the best affordable restoration instead of getting permanent dental veneers permanently bonded to the teeth. That is why it is called transitional to a more permanent solution.
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