Can my teeth be fixed with cosmetic dentistry without having to remove teeth?

Can my teeth be fixed with cosmetic dentistry without extractions

I’ve been looking at options to get my teeth fixed finally. Everyone is quick to jump to removing my wisdom teeth, but I’m painfully afraid of removing anything. Is there a way to fix them, even a little?

You first see your dentist near you for a complete check-up; after ensuring your foundation and the health of your teeth and gums, you MUST see an orthodontist.
​Please check your teeth for gum problems, cavities, or infections before visiting the orthodontist. This is the best you can do for yourself. For more on complete evaluation, dental check-ups, and dentistry costs, click here:

​Teeth movement with an orthodontist can take anywhere from 2 years or more; if time is an issue, you can have your orthodontist talk to your dentist, so the orthodontist does not complete all the orthodontic treatment, and your dentist can take over for cosmetic dentistry and perfecting your bite.

​You will probably be happy with starting with bleaching and whitening your teeth, and then if you do not like the shape of your teeth and want more permanent pearly whites, you might even consider having porcelain veneers. But that is a bit after moving your front teeth to the correct position. For more on porcelain veneers, click here:

​If cost is an issue, dental bonding is your next choice if you need to alter the shape, but depending on your dietary habits, it can stain. The cost of dental bonding is less than dental veneers. For more insights on dental bonding, click here:

See also  Top Cosmetic Dentistry Growth

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Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles? If you want to improve your smile and feel more confident, look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mobasser uses advanced techniques and top-tier technologies to correct imperfections in your teeth, giving you a perfect smile.

Dr. Mobasser has amassed a long list of celebrity clientele who know they can count on him to help them put their best face forward. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact the staff at Dr. Mobasser’s Los Angeles office to schedule your first appointment.

To make the process easier, we offer free consultations to begin the journey toward your new smile. Call us today to get started!

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