Which is more expensive, a dental cap or veneer?
Porcelain veneers, by far, are the least invasive when weighing between a dental cap or veneers.
When having porcelain veneers, more of your precious tooth structure is salvaged, which is a more conservative procedure than dental crowns. For more indications for porcelain crowns, click here: https://www.celebritydentist.com/porcelain-crowns/.
Cosmetically speaking, veneers look far better than crowns.
It is best if a patient is seeking a cosmetic dentistry procedure to have veneer done and conserve precious tooth structure rather than cutting 50 to 70% of the tooth off—the less tooth structure removal, the better for you ( the patient ).
Keep in mind that if need be, the dentist can always turn a porcelain veneer restoration into a dental crown, but once you have a dental crown, you can not get a veneer! For more information on porcelain veneer indications, click here: https://www.celebritydentist.com/porcelain-veneers/.
Patients with veneers encounter fewer problems vs. dental crowns. However, there are situations beyond the scope of this answer in which a dental crown is indicated.
Which is more expensive, a dental cap or veneer?:
Generally speaking, porcelain veneers are more expensive than porcelain crowns due to technique sensitivity and protocol. However, there are situations in the aesthetic zone ( the front teeth ) where crowns can cost much more than veneers. With an expert cosmetic dentist, it is case by case.
Also, be informed that the combination of veneers and crowns in front teeth can be more expensive than if all the teeth were all dental veneers or all teeth needed porcelain crowns. For more info on veneers, crowns, and dental bonds, click here: https://www.celebritydentist.com/veneers-vs-crowns-vs-dental-tooth-bonding/.
The cost of dental crowns also varies if certain porcelains are needed due to your bite, occlusion (function), and cosmetic needs, such as using Emax or Zirconia porcelain vs. a regular porcelain material.
Redoing existing porcelain veneers or zirconia crowns can also have variable fees. Removing existing zirconia or Emax crowns can take much longer for the dentist than firing porcelain fused to gold crowns, which is the case with the case! For more information on Emax and Zirconia crowns, click here:https://www.celebritydentist.com/emax-crowns/.
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