Smile Flaws Veneers Can Fix

Smile Flaws Veneers Can Fix Los Angeles Dentist Free Consultations

Do you have smile flaws you wish weren’t ruining your self-confidence? Our Los Angeles dentist would love to show you how veneers can help fix your smile and eliminate imperfections. Please keep reading to learn about veneers, then call our office right away to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Mobasser.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin strips of porcelain placed onto teeth that have been minimally shaved down to hold the veneer. These strips of porcelain are custom-made for your teeth. You and your dentist have complete control over length, color, spacing, etc., to fix your smile flaws.

Veneers are held on by dental cement and can last well over a decade when you take good care of them.

The results are stunning, providing brighter, straighter, proportionate teeth in the patients with this treatment.

Common Smile Flaws Veneers Can Fix

The following are several smile flaws that veneers can help fix. If you are interested in receiving veneers from our world-renowned Los Angeles dentist, please call our office today to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Mobasser.


Many patients seek out veneers to help fix a tooth gap they have. Some celebrities that used to have a gap between their two front teeth include Demi Lovato and Zac Efron. If you do not want to have braces or use Invisalign to close this gap and are interested in a quicker way to fix this issue, veneers may be the right choice.

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are among the most common smile flaws veneers can treat, and Veneers can eliminate minor imperfections with crooked teeth. If you have teeth that are mishappened or grew slightly askew, your dentist can correct that with veneers.

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Small Teeth

You may feel self-conscious about your teeth if they are quite small. Small teeth can make your gums look big and are generally considered unattractive. Veneers can lengthen your crowns to make your teeth longer which can help your gums to look more proportionate.


Veneers can help you deal with chips and cracks marring your smile. If you only have one chipped tooth, you may be interested in just one veneer. However, many people either have multiple damaged teeth or will use one chipped tooth as a reason to reconstruct their entire smile, improving their appearance. We can gladly help you achieve either goal.


Some smile flaws are too much for minor tweaks and fixes, and teeth whitening may not be powerful enough to fix severely discolored teeth. In this case, you may want to consider veneers or even Lumineers to improve your smile.


Sensitive teeth need to be protected. Sometimes, you will not want to use every protective dental product you can find over the counter to get rid of tooth sensitivity. Veneers can help protect your smile by creating a barrier against foods and drinks that trigger sensitivity.

Taking Care of Veneers

If you choose to get veneers, ensure you are taking care of them. Brush, floss, and use mouthwash regularly to prevent plaque buildup. Visit a dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. Don’t neglect your oral health because you have porcelain veneers covering your natural tooth. Veneers typically only cover the front of your tooth, leaving you vulnerable to dental issues such as cavities and gum disease.

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Your Free Consultation with Dr. Anthony Mobasser

You do not have to live with your smile flaws. Our Los Angeles dentist is dedicated to helping his patients get the best smiles possible. Dr. Mobasser has worked with celebrities and other dentists, helping them achieve gorgeous smiles. Please call to schedule your free consultation if you want a better smile.

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