When You Need a Cosmetic Dentist in Los Angeles

When You Need a Cosmetic Dentist in Los Angeles

Dr. Mobasser truly is a “celebrity dentist,” which is to say that he’s a dentist who often has a lot of clients who are celebrities. They’re the kinds of people that you might recognize from movies, TV shows, professional sports, and the like. However, not everyone that comes to Dr. Mobasser is a celebrity, and many of them are regular people who need the work of a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles. See, there are reasons to come to a cosmetic dentist that doesn’t include trying to look your best for the next audition. This blog will cover why someone might come to Dr. Mobasser for a full mouth reconstruction or another type of procedure.

The Necessity of a Cosmetic Dentist in Los Angeles

People don’t realize how complex their mouths are. There are so many moving parts in your mouth, so much that goes into ensuring that your mouth is working its best that it’s easy to lose track of. However, when something goes wrong with your mouth or isn’t working as well as it should, this can significantly affect your quality of life. Should something go wrong with your mouth or something not function as well as you’d like it to, you don’t have to wait around and hope. Dr. Mobasser can fix that; they can reconstruct your mouth so that you don’t have to worry about your mouth anymore.

Healthy Mouth Benefits

It seems we’re only ever aware of our mouths when something goes wrong or doesn’t work as we would hope. Have you ever noticed that it’s harder to chew than before? This can signify that your bite may have become unbalanced or otherwise weakened. If chewing is a more difficult act than it was in the past, or if it hurts in a way it didn’t, you might have a bite that needs further balancing. Another sign of this could be that your mouth is more sensitive than ever. When you have mouth pain, you’ll know it. Instead of trying to deal with the pain or “block it out,” Dr. Mobasser can clear that right up for you.

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When You Need a Cosmetic Dentist in Los Angeles1

Better Teeth

When people hear about “Lumineers” or “veneers” or all that kind of thing, they may think that these are to make your teeth brighter and look better if you’re just trying to look better cosmetically or something. However, you don’t have to be trying to make it in show business to want teeth that look great. So many of Dr. Mobasser’s patients aren’t movie stars but people with teeth that have become uneven. Alternatively, they have teeth that have developed cracks or are worn out. They don’t want bright teeth for the Academy Awards; they want to have whiter teeth for seeing their family during the holidays. Dr. Mobasser can help all different kinds of people.

Mind the Gap

A gap between one’s teeth is no laughing matter. First, it can lessen your confidence, as you might think you don’t look as great as you’d like. Secondly, getting food caught between your teeth can go from “annoying” to “potentially a health problem.” Over time, teeth can shift and move, which isn’t always good for your body. When it happens to you and opens gaps between your teeth, it can affect your life negatively. Dr. Mobasser can perform the mouth reconstruction that puts your teeth back where they’re supposed to be. That way, you can go back to worrying about anything other than your teeth and how they look.

When people’s teeth move, it often doesn’t just create gaps – your teeth can move forward, too. It can be genuinely jarring (and not in a good way) to wake up one day and discover that your teeth now flare out, protruding forward in a way you’ve never experienced before. Over time, this (and other maladjustments of the mouth) can cause pain in your jaw and neck. In fact, over the years, Dr. Mobasser has seen many patients report migraine headaches from problems that originated in their mouths. That’s the last thing you want to deal with.

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If you’re suffering from any of the ailments and concerns listed above, it’s worth reaching out to Dr. Mobasser. When you meet the doctor, he’ll sit down with you and go over what’s going on with your mouth. From there, he’ll figure out the best way to move forward so that you don’t have to worry anymore. Call (310) 550-0383 or head to our site.

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles? If you want to improve your smile and feel more confident, look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mobasser uses advanced techniques and top-tier technologies to correct imperfections in your teeth, giving you a perfect smile.

Dr. Mobasser has amassed a long list of celebrity clientele who know they can count on him to help them put their best face forward. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact the staff at Dr. Mobasser’s Los Angeles office to schedule your first appointment.

To make the process easier, we offer free consultations to begin the journey toward your new smile. Call us today to get started!

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