Reasons Why You Should Worry About Recessed Gums

We don’t always think of recessed gums in the same light as cavities and other dental issues, but they are just as dangerous to our health.

They’re all caused partly by poor dental care, bone loss, and dental function problems, such as grinding, clenching, and ill-fitting fillings, crowns, and veneers, especially due to bad bites or occlusion. Gum recession is not always publicized like its better-known counterparts. Still, the fact remains that receding gums can be dangerous for you, your health, and your confidence.

Gum recession is easily noticeable. The root structure is exposed, and proximity to the tooth’s nerve can cause thermal sensitivity and even air. Typically, the gum starts thinning around its natural visible tooth-gum boundary, eroding further and further if not treated. It does this so much that the tooth appears unusually longer than the others.

Because it’s easy to miss, gum recession can quickly become extreme, resulting in complete loss of teeth, permanent loss of gums and bone under the gum, and severe infection. It’s also a trigger for other bodily and bloodstream infections.

receding gums

How do receding gums come about?

If you have receding gums, you’re probably already wondering how you got them. A few ways stand out, as shown below:


Genetic predisposition is a reason you might have receding gums. If you’re genetically predisposed to get receding gums – as approximately 30% of the world’s population is no amount of dental care will keep it at bay.

Periodontal (gum) disease

One of the leading causes of receding gums is undoubtedly periodontal gum disease.

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Hormonal Imbalance

Research shows that hormonal changes during various stages of a person’s life, such as puberty, are also a direct cause of receding gums, especially in women.

Rough brushing

Using excessive energy on your teeth while brushing is another way of attracting gum recession. The excessive force one applies on their toothbrush chips away at the gum until it’s no more.

Inadequate dental care

The biggest reason many people suffer from receding gums is because of their improper and irregular dental care routines.

One good example of this is minimal brushing. When overdone, this results in a gunk pile up along the gums that later attracts bacteria that eat away at the gum.

How to prevent further receding gums?

There’s a treatment for receding gums, but it can get pricey. The first choice is gum grafting, which is surgical, another surgical technique is pinhole surgery, but it is not for everyone. The simplest method done by Dr. Mobasser is composite bonding or veneering the tooth, which will prevent further destruction to the root of your tooth or teeth. If you can’t afford such treatment, your best option includes gentle brushing with a ‘proper,’ soft-bristled toothbrush, making frequent stops by your dentist, flossing regularly, and proper dieting. Dental bonding or veneer of the exposed root is best to prevent further destruction. Know that the dental bond can prevent further destruction to the tooth’s nerve and avoid root canal treatment.

Possible dental recession treatment?

If you already have receding gums, there’s a series of treatment options any cosmetic dentistry can help fix.

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The treatment process is usually comprised of deep gum cleaning followed by a dental surgery involving grafting tissue between the tooth and gum to trigger the growth of new, natural gum tissue growth. If the bite is heavy on the teeth, possible occlusal adjustment followed by a night guard or occlusal guard.

Buy a good and experienced dental reconstruction dentist, and then get your proper smile back. Treating receding gums requires expertise, patience, and someone who cares about the result.

Contact Celebrity dentist Dr. Anthony Mobasser, DMD. The dentist offers you various dental treatments necessary; He will look for the cause before doing the treatment. He specializes in full dental reconstruction to full mouth veneers.

Book an appointment today by calling (310) 550-0383 or following the link for more information.

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles? If you want to improve your smile and feel more confident, look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mobasser uses advanced techniques and top-tier technologies to correct imperfections in your teeth, giving you a perfect smile.

Dr. Mobasser has amassed a long list of celebrity clientele who know they can count on him to help them put their best face forward. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact the staff at Dr. Mobasser’s Los Angeles office to schedule your first appointment.

To make the process easier, we offer free consultations to begin the journey toward your new smile. Call us today to get started!

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