Cosmetic Dentist in Westwood

Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist in Westwood? Look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser for exceptional service, results and experience you can trust.

There is a lot to enjoy about Westwood, a district surrounded by LA, Beverly Hills, and Bel Air. If you don’t love your smile, you can miss out on all that the village has to offer. When you don’t have the confidence to go out shopping, dining, or to theaters, it is time to get in touch with our cosmetic dentist in Westwood. Dr. Anthony Mobasser can help you get the look that you love. Find out what you need to make your smile one that you don’t have to hide when you come in for a personalized, free consultation.

Cosmetic Dentist in Westwood | Dr. Anthony Mobasser
Our patient from Westwood, California, was in urgent need of an expert cosmetic dentist to perform an extreme smile makeover. With his wedding just two weeks away, time was of the essence. He was particularly dissatisfied with the length of his teeth, both upper and lower, desiring a longer and brighter white smile. Additionally, he was frustrated with his chipped teeth, which were previously repaired with dental composite. Unfortunately, these repairs could not withstand the forces of his bite and would typically chip again in about a month.
The patient prioritized restoring his front teeth first, with plans to address the back teeth in the near future. After a comprehensive evaluation and consultation with our master ceramist regarding shape and color, the treatment was completed over two separate visits within one week. We opted for zirconia veneers, which are excellent for concealing dark discoloration and lengthening the teeth. Zirconia porcelain is one of the strongest porcelains available and is known for its durability against fractures.
The treatment involved minimal preparation of the teeth to conserve as much tooth structure as possible, ensuring a better bond and lasting results. Zirconia veneers are technically sensitive and require a precise protocol to ensure they do not come off.
Their strength and brightness perfectly aligned with the patient’s desires. The patient was ecstatic and incredibly proud of his new smile, especially with his wedding just around the corner. He was thrilled with his transformation and was ready to share his smile with the world!

The students of UCLA have recently made Westwood the center of their hangouts. College is a time in which you should be free to experience so many new things. Being self-conscious is supposed to be a thing of the past by the time you leave grade school. Do not let your self-confidence take a hit because you are unhappy with your smile. We can help you.

Dr. Mobasser has given confidence to thousands of people who were once self-conscious, hiding their smiles, and living in the shadows. Your smile can deeply affect your self-esteem and we do not want you to have to live your life feeling shameful about the way you look, especially in a place as beautiful as Westwood. Contact our cosmetic dentist in Westwood for a free consultation to get a smile to match that beauty.

Smile Transformations

Adults are not going to dentists at the rate that they used to as kids. According to the CDC, 64.9% of adults went to the dentist in 2019. Being unhappy with your smile is common. We see a lot of people come through with concerns about how their teeth and mouth look. Our cosmetic dentist in Westwood performs full-mouth reconstructions that can give you the makeover that you are looking for.

You might be wondering what a full mouth reconstruction is. It all depends on what you personally need to get the most attractive smile possible. We can help you figure out the right treatment plan for you when you come in for a free consultation. You will meet with Dr. Mobasser one-on-one to get the attention you need to determine how to give you the perfect smile.

If you are looking to walk out of our office with a brighter, whiter smile, then teeth bleaching or whitening could be what you are looking for. You can take care of discoloration from foods, smoking, coffee, tea, etc. that make you feel like you can’t be proud of your smile.

Cosmetic Dentist in Westwood

If you have often wished that you could have nicer teeth that are longer, don’t have gaps between them, aren’t discolored, or are slightly straighter, then veneers could be what you need. These are thin pieces of porcelain that get bonded to your teeth to give you a brand-new look. It is non-invasive and involves very minimal removal of the natural tooth structure. Veneers can make you look younger instantly, and our cosmetic dentist in Westwood has over 30 years of experience helping patients achieve the smile of their dreams.

Missing teeth is a huge insecurity for a lot of people. People who have visibly missing teeth feel self-conscious about their look and can feel very embarrassed when other people point it out to them. With dental bridges or dental implants, you can fix these embarrassing gaps in your smile, making you look healthier and younger right away.

If you want a beautiful smile so you can start enjoying your time out with friends on Sunset Boulevard dining and shopping, Dr. Mobasser is the cosmetic dentist in Westwood for you.

Get a Complimentary Consultation with our Cosmetic Dentist in Westwood

When you want a smile transformation, you need to get in touch with our cosmetic dentist in Westwood right away. Come see Dr. Mobasser for a free consultation where you can determine what dental work you need to get the smile that will give you the confidence that you need.