Overcome Treatment Anxiety with a Sedation Dentist in Los Angeles

Overcome Treatment Anxiety with a Sedation Dentist in Los Angeles

It is not unusual for people to be anxious about visiting the dentist. You may have learned nervousness from your parents, or you may have had negative experiences with old-fashioned dentists. You know that you need dental treatment, but you feel too afraid to take the right steps to get that treatment, and it may have started to affect your health. If you decide that you want to visit the dentist, and need to be sedated to do so, then you should start looking for a specialist sedation dentist in Los Angeles.

A Fear of Needles

In the past, the most common type of sedation for dental patients was Novocain, the drug injected into the mouth to numb the area prior to surgery. When Novocain is used correctly, the patient feels nothing but is still awake and aware of their surroundings, which may cause them anxiety if they are afraid of visiting the dentist. Others may have experienced anxiety concerning the use of needles, which can lead them to be nervous when Novocain is used. As an alternative, you may need a better sedation treatment.

Overcome Treatment Anxiety with a Sedation Dentist in Los Angeles

Modern Alternatives

We know that most people will prefer not to use Novocain and would instead like a sedation that relaxes you and makes you less aware of your surroundings. While you may still be conscious of the treatment, you will be unaware of what is happening. This not only reduces the pain of the dental surgery but also helps remove the fear of that treatment. This is why we recommend that our patients have dental sedation and avoid the problems of anxiety over needles or fear of the treatment itself.

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Talk to Us Today

We understand that you may need several surgeries, and we don’t want to have to come back to the dentist on several occasions. If you have been saving up for treatment, then you may want to get the work done all at the same time. We can do this using sedation dentistry, which will help you relax and allow us to give you several treatments at once. If you are looking for a sedation dentist in Los Angeles, call Dr. Mobasser today and speak to his team about your need for sedation by calling (310)550-0383.

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles? If you want to improve your smile and feel more confident, look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mobasser uses advanced techniques and top-tier technologies to correct imperfections in your teeth, giving you a perfect smile.

Dr. Mobasser has amassed a long list of celebrity clientele who know they can count on him to help them put their best face forward. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact the staff at Dr. Mobasser’s Los Angeles office to schedule your first appointment.

To make the process easier, we offer free consultations to begin the journey toward your new smile. Call us today to get started!

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