Veneer Onlays
Before & After Pictures – Veneer Onlays
Before and After photos of veneer onlays are a major testament to a cosmetic dentist’s skill. Chances are that if you like the results, you will be pleased with your own results. Below is a sampling of least invasive dentistry treatment which is always the best for the patient, by conserving tooth structure. The patient had extreme sensitivity due to chipped tooth and broken filling. Rather than crowning the tooth, a more conservative technique / sensitive approach was employed by Dr. Mobasser to conserve tooth structure and further shaving tooth surface. Veneer onlays must be considered before a decision is made to crown the tooth.
If you need expert advice call Dr. Mobasser at 310-550-0383.
Veneer Onlay is a technique sensitive treatment, only performed by expert dentists. The broken tooth was restored with original form, function and beauty. Best of all the individual’s tooth was conserved, and the patient was delighted to have restoration done in 2 days. Dr. Mobasser also employed a holistic dental approach in conjunction with bonding procedures to conserve tooth structure, hence no sensitivity.