The Best Veneer Dentist for Lumineers

The Best Veneer Dentist for Lumineers

There are several reasons that Dr. Mobasser is the best cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles and the surrounding area. His mastery of crafting a patient’s smile, his experience, and his dedication to his work – to list Dr. Mobasser’s qualifications would be far, far too many words for any blog. However, one overlooked reason that Dr. Mobasser is as good as he is at his job is that he offers options. When you go to Dr. Mobasser, he can lay out different cosmetic dental solutions to help you to get the best look for your smile. Sure, he’s the best veneer dentist in this or any other area, but his Lumineers can do so much for you, too. 

Best Veneer Dentist for Lumineers

Lumineers Explained 

Few products in American life are more aptly named than “Lumineers.” These are exactly what they sound like: they’re a thin, thin porcelain shell that goes over your teeth. Their application is painless, as you don’t have to worry about a drill or any remotely invasive procedure. They’re just applied to your teeth, and that’s it. They’ll cover your teeth, giving you a brighter smile in a very brief time. Another name for Lumineers that’s perhaps less poetic but more descriptive: “No Prep Veneers.” 

An Economical Solution 

Many folks are looking for a whiter smile but don’t have much money to shell out for it. That’s where Lumineers come in. They’re a less expensive alternative to traditional dental veneers, and they can quickly give you a lot of brightness. A good way to think of Lumineers: is like they’re contact lenses for your teeth. Indeed, that’s about the level of the size that we’re talking about here, as Lumineers have almost the same dimensions as contact lenses. So, as you might imagine, they’re small indeed. 

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Why Many Prefer Veneers

“Great,” you might think, reading this part of the blog, “that’s settled. I’ll get Lumineers instead of dental veneers.” Not so fast. For many, dental veneers are still the better option. Yes, they might be more expensive and require more of a procedure, but they can be made more to fit your exact smile. Lumineers, bright as they are, aren’t as adaptable to your smile as veneers are. Lumineers will give you a brighter smile, and dental veneers will give you your brightest smile. 

Best Veneer Dentist and Beyond 

“Gee,” you could say at this point, “now that you’ve said all that, I’m not sure what the right option for me is.” That’s fine! That’s exactly the kind of thing that Dr. Mobasser can help with. When you know that you want to do something to make your smile brighter, Dr. Mobasser and his staff are here to help. Lumineers, veneers, crowns, implants, full mouth reconstruction: the number of options that Dr. Mobasser is an expert in means that there’s something to fit your needs. You can message us through our site or call us at: (310) 550-0383. 

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles? If you want to improve your smile and feel more confident, look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mobasser uses advanced techniques and top-tier technologies to correct imperfections in your teeth, giving you a perfect smile.

Dr. Mobasser has amassed a long list of celebrity clientele who know they can count on him to help them put their best face forward. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact the staff at Dr. Mobasser’s Los Angeles office to schedule your first appointment.

See also  Best Lumineers in Los Angeles

To make the process easier, we offer free consultations to begin the journey toward your new smile. Call us today to get started!

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