The Best Veneer Dentist Explains the Appeal of the Technique

best veneer dentist

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, there tends to be some misconception about how exactly the procedures go. Most people assume all the procedures fall under dental implants, asking their cosmetic dentist for them upfront. However, implants aren’t always the first choice. The best veneer dentist will tell you that many issues can be comfortably solved by using dental veneers. What are these? Well, they are a layer of porcelain placed on the tooth’s surface to protect it and improve its appearance. These are common cosmetic dental procedures that those looking to improve upon their smile seek out for their simplicity and convenience. They are quick, fairly non-invasive prosthetics that can go quite a long way.

When Do You Need Veneers?

Veneers are prosthetics, artificial structures meant to replace or complement biological ones. In this case, they improve the appearance of damaged, discolored, and deformed teeth. How? The prosthetics are added onto the tooth’s surface to replace it with its visible face. This is a great solution for those whose teeth have suffered in visible ways but remain functionally useful and effective. What cases does this entail? Deformed teeth, enamel deficiency, discolored teeth, poor enamel mineralization, fluorosis, staining, malposition, loss of enamel through erosion, and enamel fractures are some cases in which veneers will be a good solution.

best veneer dentist

Getting Veneers

Suppose the teeth don’t require extensive work to restore their function thoroughly but are still unpleasant. In that case, veneers are practical and effective alternatives to more complex procedures such as full dental implants. It’s in these cases that your dentist will probably recommend the use of veneers. The best veneer dentist will determine whether veneers are the right call for you. As previously mentioned, these are used in more superficial instances of dental imperfections. If you don’t have actual functional issues with your teeth but would like them to look better, these will most likely be the best option. Veneers are made of porcelain, making them strong and durable additions to your dental structure. 

See also  Porcelain Veneers Procedure and Process

Contact the Best Veneer Dentist

As far as cosmetic dentistry in Los Angeles goes, there is only one man for the job. The best veneer dentist in the area is the celebrity dentist himself, Dr. Anthony Mobasser. He has been the go-to dentist for those whose smiles are always in the spotlight for years. His instinct and years of experience have elevated him to his current status as the city’s celebrity dentist. Dr. Mobasser engages in remote consultations whenever possible, limiting actual procedures to emergencies. If you need an emergency procedure or perhaps would like a remote consultation, we can help you out. Call us at (310) 550-0383 or request an appointment using our website.

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles? If you want to improve your smile and feel more confident, look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mobasser uses advanced techniques and top-tier technologies to correct imperfections in your teeth, giving you a perfect smile.

Dr. Mobasser has amassed a long list of celebrity clientele who know they can count on him to help them put their best face forward. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact the staff at Dr. Mobasser’s Los Angeles office to schedule your first appointment.

To make the process easier, we offer free consultations to begin the journey toward your new smile. Call us today to get started!

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