Brighten Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers In Beverly Hills

porcelain veneers in Beverly Hills

You want to improve the look of your smile by adding veneers to your visible teeth and want to learn more about your choices. If you are considering your options, then you may want to talk through using porcelain veneers in top Beverly Hills with a cosmetic dentist who can provide you with more answers and tell you if this is the best option for your teeth. Before you decide to have this particular type of veneer, you need to understand more about it and why so many celebrities and famous people use these to improve their smiles.

Why Use Veneers

By the time LA residents reach adulthood, they will likely have less-than-perfect teeth. Decay, particularly of the front teeth, can lead you to misshapen, chipped, or stained teeth that affect the final look of your smile. To overcome these issues, many cosmetic dentists will use a material, in some cases, porcelain, sliced into wafer-thin shapes and then fixed to the teeth using a bonding resin. Each veneer is specially made to fit the patient, and they are usually colored to create a natural appearance so that people will not know that you have had the work done. To fit the veneer, your dentist will likely shape your teeth, either filing or drilling them, so they provide the perfect base for the veneer. This can be both time-consuming and expensive. For many patients, these veneers can remain fixed to their teeth for up to 20 years, providing a quick but semi-permanent solution to the problem smile.

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porcelain veneers in Beverly Hills

Am I Suitable For Porcelain Veneers? Beverly Hills Top Dentist Can Answer That!

For your cosmetic dentist to decide that you are suitable for veneers, you must be assessed on two criteria. Firstly, you must have a suitable dental condition, such as cracks, chips, minor misalignment of the teeth, gaps between teeth, or discoloration, and these can all be resolved with veneers. Secondly, you must also meet personal requirements, including good oral health, sufficient enamel to shape before fitting, being committed to long-term oral care, having specific goals for your cosmetic treatment, not grinding or gnashing your teeth, and having no oral infection or current decay.

Get Veneers With Dr. Mobasser

If you think you would be a suitable candidate for veneers, you may want to seek a consultation with Dr. Mobasser today. He can provide you with several treatment options, including porcelain veneers. His Beverly Hills patients can receive advice about the procedure, the cost and the duration, and how to take care of the finished restoration. If you want to know more about the potential use of veneers to improve your smile, then you should talk to Dr. Mobasser and his team today. You can ask for a consultation appointment using our contact form for online messaging, or you may call (310) 550-0383 to make that appointment today.

Are you looking for a cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles? If you want to improve your smile and feel more confident, look no further than Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Mobasser uses advanced techniques and top-tier technologies to correct imperfections in your teeth, giving you a perfect smile.

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Dr. Mobasser has amassed a long list of celebrity clientele who know they can count on him to help them put their best face forward. If you want a Hollywood smile, contact the staff at Dr. Mobasser’s Los Angeles office to schedule your first appointment.

To make the process easier, we offer free consultations to begin the journey toward your new smile. Call us today to get started!

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