Dental Bonding
Dental Bonding Before and After
In these dental bonding before and after photos, we can close gaps, restore the shape of teeth, removal of decays, and even restore old worn out dentistry is a major testament to the cosmetic dentist’s skill. Chances are if you have leaking black silver fillings, you would not wait to change them to white fillings or bonding. Below is a sampling of Dr. Anthony Mobasser’s bonding work as an artistic cosmetic dentist. If you like what you see, or to make an appointment, please call us at 310-550-0383.
Patient revealing cavities on 6 front teeth, all decays removed and full dental bond was done on 6 front teeth. Also changed to slightly whiter natural color, patient very happy. Dental bond was done in one visit using nanocomposite restoration.
Dental bonding to close gap
- Gap can be closed with orthodontics, or veneers, or dental bonding
- Dental bonding cost the least, and it is gratifying since it is done in one short visit.
- Patient was amazed with the results, which was done in 30 minutes, and the end result was priceless to the patient.
Dental Bonding
Bondings and white fillings were used to restore old fillings, remove decay and old worn out dentistry, to rejuvenate the tooth structure. The benefit to the patient is conservative dentistry or minimal invasive dentistry, which is a huge advantage over old-school dentistry! The preservation of tooth structure causes less problem in the long run.
To restore the cavities and silver fillings, Dr. Mobasser employed holistic biocompatible dentistry approach, a form of dentistry that takes the patient’s entire, overall health into account in addition to their oral health. Our treatment conserves tooth structure which brings no discomfort to the patient.
Before and After Dental Bonding
Patient got punched in the mouth, trauma to face, and fractured two front veneers. One veneer was repaired using the existing porcelain veneer and placing dental bond to repair and shape the tooth, the other completely fractured veneer, was revitalized using full composite veneer dental bonding in office ( no laboratory fabrication was used).
before and after picture of cosmetic dental bond
Cracked tooth was treated with dental bonding rather than a porcelain crown, tp preserve tooth structure, patient so happy.
Deep decay under filling was removed and dental bonding was used to restore and create natural effect
Synopsis for Above: Patient with gummy smile, shows decay at the root area, wanted to have decay removed, filled, and do composite bonding. She could not afford porcelain restoration. Look at the after picture, we were able to restore her teeth with dental bond. Patient so pleased.