Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Anthony Mobasser’s Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Anthony Mobasser is answering questions asked by his clients as a cosmetic dentist. – FAQs
Q: How to reduce my gummy Smile?
A: I personally am against raising Maxilla or Oral surgery if you can do it more judiciously
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Q: A piece of porcelain broke off my bridge (the four front teeth) can the piece of porcelain be fused back on to the bridge?
A: What should I do if a piece of porcelain broke off my front bridge? Porcelain repair?
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Q: Food gets stuck between two crowns is this normal?
A: Getting food stuck can cause periodontal breakdown of the bone and the gums, also can cause cavities on the roots of your teeth.
You must address this as soon as possible with your dentist to avoid further breakdown!
Most food can get stuck between teeth, due to pathologic migration, meaning tooth movements as the result of your bite and occlusion, in some instances bite adjustments can remedy the problem, however if food impaction continues , your dentist must close the contact between teeth, either via redoing the crown, or restoration, or in some cases orthodontic intervention, (for patients who did finish teeth movement, had orthodontics, however they do not wear the retainers ), to prevent caries, and gum disease.
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Q: What Can I do Besides Braces for My Smile?
A: Your Best choice is to have braces, possibly Invisalign, they both will take quite some time.
Your other choice is to find a cosmetic Dentist to have a consultation for dental porcelain veneers in combination with thin veneers to beautify and cosmetically enhance your smile.After a complete evaluation you can request a wax up of your smile, if you did agree to the dentist’s treatment plan.
Keep in mind veneers or thin veneers costs more than orthodontics, invisalign or braces.
Again, since I do advocate the least invasive dentistry, possibly you can do combination of braces and veneers.
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Q: Do I need Veneer, if I have a Crack On the tooth?
A: Since your crack on your front tooth is vertical and not horizontal, and it hardly shows with no sensitivity, you do not need veneer dental treatment necessarily.
Your options are as follow: Do not do anything, wear a night guard, seal the tooth and observe, place dental bonding to again seal and repair the crack, possibly a no prep veneer, such as lumineer and last option is to have dental porcelain veneer.
Keep in mind, that Porcelain veneer is irreversible dental cosmetic procedure, meaning tooth structure needs to be removed and prepared.Lumineers however is a no prep,( no removal of tooth structure) but is will slightly be bulkier than veneer, but again it all depends on your clinical examination. You need to try to avoid chewing on ice,and be more cautious regarding biting on hard foods, since you do have a crack.
Porcelain veneer can strengthen your tooth, but again before having it done, many factors must be considered vs a no prep or lumineer or other options mentione above.
If you do have any further questions, do not hesitate to call our office at 310-550-0383
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Q: Is it possible to improve the appearance of my teeth? Treatment of Black Triangle showing between my gums?
A: Looking at your teeth, If you are satisfied with the color and the shape of your teeth, then your best bet is to have conservative dental bonding done to close the black triangles.
Due to lack of papillae and no gum between your teeth, and of course you can improve the color before dental bonding with teeth whitening before starting the dental bonding. But be informed that teeth whitening results are not permanent. If you are looking for a complete drastic change such as smile makeover, and your gum disease and recessions after 2 years of periodontal therapy is stabilized, then I suggest dental veneers consultation. Although I specialize in this procedure and have placed more than 8000 veneers successfully for my patients, a complete evaluation and consultation with your periodontist is necessary so you would be informed regarding the pros and cons, so you can make an intelligent decision.
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Q: why black lines around my gums after having crowns or caps place? what do I do?
A: You Had porcelain fused to metal crowns done, which does show the metal of your crown
that depends on the xrays, your bite and occlusion , and if you had root canal treatments done on your teeth.
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Q: Should I go back to the dentist to have him correct an issue where food gets stuck between two crowns or is this normal?
A: Getting food stuck can cause periodontal breakdown of the bone and the gums, also can cause cavities on the roots of your teeth.
Most food can get stuck between teeth, due to pathologic migration, meaning tooth movements as the result of your bite and occlusion, in some instances bite adjustments can remedy the problem, however if food impaction continues , your dentist must close the contact between teeth, either via redoing the crown, or restoration, or in some cases orthodontic intervention, (for patients who did finish teeth movement, had orthodontics, however they do not wear the retainers ), to prevent caries, and gum disease.
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Q: How much grinding in total considering tooth veneers have to be replaced every 10-20 years?
A: Porcelain Veneers vs Lumineers (no prep Veneers), requirements for shaping and tooth reduction from enamel, guidelines:
Keep in mind the lumineers or no prep veneers, does not mimic natural teeth, they are usually bulky, since it is added to the tooth structure, and usually mono color, or opaque, and it may not be healthy for your gums. NOT every one is a candidate for Dental lumineers !
Removing dental lumineers are not as easy as you think, and if for any reason you do not like the results, upon removal there is possibility of nicking the original tooth, but later smoothing it, and it does take quite a long time to be removed.
Also the preparation of 0.3 mm is not necessarily true, the preparation of teeth depends on your original alignment, the existing color, and what color you desire, the shape of your teeth, you desire and your bite and occlusion.
You may reach our office at 310-550-0383 for your one on one consultation.
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Q: Why am I experiencing pain after getting my crown put on?
A: There are many possibilities that causes pain, and sensitivity after you got your new Crown :
If the dental crown is sensitive to chewing pressure, then the crown might be high, to your bite or occlusion.
Did your dentist warned you about any sensitivity before cementing your crown ? MAYBE DUE TO DEEP CARIES ? and possibility of root canal exists ?
The above are just possibilities, but there are many other factors that can cause sensitivity and discomfort, including nerves, gums, bite, and the method of cements used to seat your dental crown, and the type of crown you have. Is your crown an Emax? zirconia ? of porcelain fused to metal ? each crown have specific cement protocol, and if not followed can cause sensitivity, or pain also.
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Q: Can my teeth be corrected without jaw surgery?
A: Absolutely ! you will be needing combination of orthodontic and veneers (which are least invasive dental procedure compared to crowns), in combination with dental bondings.
Your bite at present will cause severe wear of your back teeth, so best is if you find an expert Orthodontist and a great cosmetic dentist to plan the outcome of your bite (occlusion). I personally am against surgery unless it is the last choice.
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Q: What Are Two Main Differences Between Crowns and Porcelain Veneers?
A: The most important difference and benefit to you as a patient is less precious tooth removal, therefore less sensitivity, less problems on the long run. You want to have the least invasive dental procedure for your restorations !
Unfortunately I have seen thousands of patients thinking they have porcelain veneers, or their dentist told them they are getting veneers, where in fact most of the tooth is shaved down, and it is almost like a 3/4 crown , or 7/8 crowns.
There is no going back from a dental crown to porcelain dental crown, if any problem arises the next stage is root canal, or possibly extraction and last dental implant.
However, if a problem arises on dental veneer, that can not be repaired or make anther veneer, worst case scenario, a crown can be fabricated.
The next big advantage is the cosmetic effects, in which in my opinion veneers will look much more natural than crowns.
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Q: What do I do if my veneers Keep coming Off and falling off
A: Unfortunately your dentist might have cut your teeth too radically, or he might not follow the protocol for proper veneer bonding.
Since I have not seen the preparation, I can not tell you if the teeth were prepared too much? or you might be needing crowns at this stage !
I do recommend your dentist to bond with 4th generation bonding agent, and use actual composite rather than resin cement, and I hope not all enamel was cut aggressively, if so now you are candidate for a crown.
The preparation of veneers, and the method of bonding, and bite analysis directly impacts the longevity and the results.
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Q: What should i do? I got Porcelain Veneers and not happy with color due to paint on top layer of veneer
A: Ask your dentist to have the darkened color polished out with a diamond instrumentation and polishing wheel.
In Certain cases, I have done reverse bleaching from the back of teeth, in which the veneers appeared lighter, due to REVERSE BLEACHING.
But I need to see your teeth clinically.
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Q: Should I get porcelain veneers or crowns for my teeth? Can I have these procedures shortly after a chin augmentation?
A: I recommend you have your chin implant delayed, and have your cosmetic dental treatment with veneers and crowns done first
Your best bet is to have dental veneers done rather than porcelain crowns, since the veneer procedure is less invasive, meaning less tooth structure is required to be removed from your natural teeth, and they will last you longer due to preservation of your teeth, however unfortunately I have seen many patients that thought they got veneers, but they actually got crowns, due to over preparation of teeth by their dentist.
You can always go from a veneer to a dental crown if need be, however if you do have a crown , you can not get veneers!!
your lower crooked teeth, can be planned to have veneers, however your best treatment is braces, if you choose not to have orthodontics , I have done many cases like yours with veneer dental treatment (Instant orthodontics), and a bite analysis is vital before you proceed.
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Q: Looking for some feedback on my temporary veneers. Are they good or bad? I need to make sure before I get finals.
A: The more important question is if you like them? Do you like the final permanent results to look like your temporary veneers or crowns?
In my opinion Your right lateral tooth will be looking a bit longer than your left lateral after final veneers are bonded in, this is due to discrepancy on the gum heights, also your left central looks like is not as straight as opposed to your right central., both issues can be fixed easily if communicated with your dentist and the lab technician.
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Q: I want veneers on my front 2 teeth. Do they last and how much does it cost?
A: Depending on the discoloration and the exact color match of your teeth to the adjacent teeth, the cost of veneers varies, and I do need to see you clinically.
Since your FRONT teeth are discolored, and it is vital to you, I would not select my choices only to how much it cost, but to which dentist is the best!
Having said that, you might be a candidate for internal bleaching, (whitening the discolored teeth due to root canal), if the root canals have been done properly.This procedure is called walking bleach also.
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Q: Would composite veneers or porcelain veneers be better in this case? The top and bottom rows of my teeth do not connect.
A: Just Porcelain Veneers Is not your most ideal treatment of choice in your case!
There is a possibility of surgical intervention to achieve the results you want.
If for some reason you do not want surgical intervention or braces, then you can ask your cosmetic dentist if he can do a mock-up for you, or possibly a wax-up of your teeth, so you can see the results before committing to veneering your teeth!
Even with porcelain or composite veneers looking at your picture, you will still end up with an open bite, but not as large of a space and you should not close your open bite all the way since your teeth will look too large and not pleasing to the eye.
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Q: Is it a good idea to get veneers just for look?
A: Cosmetic Dentistry is all about “want” not “needs”!
then I would explore all my options ! and I do not recommend having porcelain veneers done right away.
Porcelain Veneers are irreversible procedure, once you do it, you can not go back to your natural teeth.
You must get an in depth consultation, re all your options, including dental teeth whitening, and possibly dental bonding.
Depending on what you like to achieve,start with the least invasive procedure!
Also know that there are few veneer dentists who can give you veneers, that are totally natural white, and not look, fake white!
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Q: Are porcelain veneers still a possibility with an open bite? (Photo)
A: Absolutely! Depending on the Health of your teeth after a complete evaluation and bite analysis you can definitely widen your Smile, by placing 10 veneers on the top teeth
Having said that, if you are inclined to have Orthognathic surgery, or any Orthodontic (braces) dental treatment done, then I would wait till you have done your surgery and teeth movement first.
However if you do want a more youthful and broadened smile (a zygomatic ) smile, then an expert cosmetic dentist can definitely do that for you.
You must ask re other options, pros and cons for each procedure, so you do make your choice more intelligently based on your needs.
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Q: How Can I Improve My Smile? And How much it Cost ?
A: Best recommendation is to find an expert Cosmetic Dentist and have an Evaluation and Consultation.
Most probably after that visit, you will be needing a complete dental evaluation and records ( in which will cost you from $200 to $1500 depending on the expertise of the cosmetic dentist and the severity of your case), so the dentist can present your options to you. This visit consists of detailed look at your dental health via complete xrays, diagnostic models , bite analysis, series of intra oral photos, smiling photos of your teeth alignment in all directions, examination of your gums and nerves.
The next visit all options and costs must be presented to you, and depending on financial, you will be choosing. Of course the best option and the ideal dental treatment is presented to you first and then others.
Keep in mind, your first decision must be concentrated to improving the overall health and foundation of your mouth, if you ignore that treatment and skip to cosmetic dentistry, rest assured that the cosmetic dentistry done will fail also.
Also make sure you choose the least INVASIVE treatment, since your teeth are precious,and the more conservative the preparation of your teeth are, the longer you will keep them for the rest of your life.
Always ask the treating Cosmetic Dentist how many of these procedures he has done, and his success rate.
You may also ask the dentist to do a mock up in your mouth if possible , or have a wax up of your new SMILE MAKEOVER presented to you. A smile makeover can cost as little as few thousand dollars to well excess of fifty thousand dollars, depending on the severity of the case and the expertise and know how of your cosmetic dentist.
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Q: Does medical insurance pay for partials?
A: Most Medical Insurances will NOT pay for dental services.
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Q: What Can I do Besides Braces for My Smile? What is Instant Orthodontics?
A: Your Best and ideal cosmetic dental services is to have braces, possibly Invisalign, and know: they both will take quite some time
Keep in mind veneers or thin veneers costs more than orthodontics, invisalign or braces.
Again, since I do advocate the least invasive dentistry, possibly you can do combination of braces and veneers if time is a factor.
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Q: How much to restore my bottom teeth with Dental Implants?
I live in Florida and I was quoted 16,500 just for my bottom and that was only 6 posts, why is it so high?
I’m 4’9 and I use to weight 100 pounds but with out teeth It hard is anyone on here works in Jacksonville and can help me for less than 20000 please let me know
A: You have many choices and many Implant Dentists!
The fee quoted to you to place 6 implants and fixed porcelain bridges, as a Los Angeles Implant Dentist is reasonable in Los Angeles CA, and maybe even in the low end, however you might be able to have 4 dental Implants and a hybrid prosthesis that functions the same for less. But then again a complete evaluation is needed, to determine if the 4 dental implants would suffice.
Having a second opinion is great, but keep in mind not all dentists experience, vision in cosmetic dentistry field and care is the same, and you might be paying more for the best dentist to treat you, which in my opinion is well worth it.
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Q: Why does my tooth still hurts after 3 months of a root canal and crown?
I had a root canal & crown in May. My tooth continued to hurt, radiating to the jaw, as well as the gum tissue at the new crown site. Saw my dentist & it was decided I needed a mouthguard. The xrays showed my tooth was fine. I have been trying to wear the mouthguard for about 2 weeks now & it seems my tooth hurts more than ever. I’ve had adjustments done on the mouthguard. I can’t seem to bite on that side and it hurts more when I tap the top of it. Why am I having this pain and it’s worse now?
A: I recommend you find another Dentist to rule out possible fracture or micro crack in the root of your tooth
I do recommend you do see another Endodontist.
If all checked out fine, then the fit of your crown might be compromised and it is impinging too much in your gum. The sooner you check above the better off you are !
Definitely rule out and make sure your tooth is not cracked, and the fit of your crown is satisfactory.
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Q: What is the best concentration gel for bleaching or whitening teeth?
I used some for half hour for two weeks. There’s some improvement. But still no where where my whiting needs to be. How long should I breach and how frequent in order to get the results I want? I don’t smoke, drink coffee, or tea.
A: First let your dentist guide you, to make sure the discoloration of your teeth are not intrinsic (meaning it is not internal discoloration),
The whitening bleaching gels are 2 categories, one is with with carbomide peroxide , the other is hydrogen peroxide derivative.
The hydrogen peroxide will give you a boost of color change much faster and in a shorter time.
Your best bet is (after you make sure your gums are healthy and No Roots are exposed and your fillings if any are not leaking) then get custom trays done. The custom trays are of vital importance to the final results.
Then my recommendation will be use either 12-14% hydrogen peroxide gel or 22-36% carbomide peroxide gels. The duration for hydrogen peroxide bleaching must be limited to max 5 to 15 minutes, however for carbomide peroxide duration can go up to one hour a day for a week or two.
If there is hypocalcification spots (white chalky spots after your bleach ), then stop the whitening, also if there is any sensitivity stop whitening immediately and contact your dentist. If there is no change in color after a week, without sensitivity consult a cosmetic dentist for further guidance.
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Q: I have a gap in the front two teeth and want to close it. What procedure would you recommend? (photo)
A:Looking at your pictures the least invasive dental treatment is Dental bonding since none or not much tooth removal is required
I do recommend you get a mock up in your mouth before the composite bonding is permanently placed, so you do check out how it looks in your mouth. A cosmetic dentist most certainly should be able to do that.
If for any reason you were not satisfied, you can then choose porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers are more invasive than dental bonding, and do require 2 visits and are more costly, however it can produce amazing results with color stability and strength.
Understand that you can always go to porcelain veneers if the bonding ever fails, however you can not go back to dental bonding if the dental veneer fails.
Your third choice is to have orthodontic treatment, and close the spaces and gaps, in which the treatment time is quite longer.
Web reference:
Q: How Do I Find the Best Cosmetic Dentist?
I am tempted to pick someone who takes my insurance plan. Are there better ways to find someone good at cosmetic dentistry vs. general dental work?
A: Finding the best cosmetic dentist requires a little of work on your part, but the little effort certainly out weighs the benefits you will gain.
Is it a few times, or hundreds or thousands?
Usually a cosmetic dentist expert has performed at least a few hundred times that particular cosmetic procedure.
Can the Cosmetic dentist show you a “mock up” in YOUR MOUTH, of how the results might look like ?
Does the cosmetic dentist, listens to your needs?
Do you have one option or several?
Listen if the cosmetic dentist is going over the pros, cons, risks and benefits of the procedure with you? and over all the options?With these few questions, you will be getting a feel, If you want that cosmetic dentist to do the dental procedure for you or you are ready to move on.Of course the next questions will be in regards to how many visits it takes? how long of an appointment time ?
Does it involve any discomfort ? do you have an option to have sedation dentistry done while you have your cosmetic dentistry done ?After, inquire regarding the cost, How much is the cosmetic dentistry going to cost ?
Do not get shocked if there are huge price differences, each cosmetic dentist fee differs, and it usually depends on the reputation, the expertise and the knowledge and know how to give you the best possible results in an efficient manner, AND use the least invasive procedure on you, to give you what you really want.
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Q: How do I improve the look of my smile? My teeth are not level and there’s a small gap between my two front teeth
Hello, I have a question regarding the aesthetics of my teeth. I have a couple pictures of my smile right now and a picture of how I want them to be. My main concerns have to do with the length of my teeth not being level with one another and a small gap between my two front teeth. What would I need done and how much would it typically cost? Thank you very much!
A: You have many options for your new smile makeover:
2- Dental bonding
3- Orthodontics
4-Dental porcelain veneers
You do have a young smile, and a step on your centrals, which in hollywood most older people want to have a step in their front two teeth. Depending on your age,your bite (occlusion) and how big the nerves of your teeth are, I advise you to have the least invasive treatment. The cost of treatment can be anywhere from $250 to thousands of dollars.
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Q: Do I need a veneer? What other options do I have?
I have a slight vertical crack in my front tooth. There’s no pain and it is not very noticeable except to me and my dentist. He mentioned getting 1 veneer (I’d get 2 if it’s my only option so the 2 front teeth match) but is there something else I can do and worth looking into?
A: Since your crack on your front tooth is vertical and not horizontal, and it hardly shows with no sensitivity, you do not need veneer dental treatment necessarily.
Your options are as follow:, Do not do anything, wear a night guard, seal the tooth and observe, place dental bonding to again seal and repair the crack, possibly a no prep veneer, such as lumineer and last option is to have dental porcelain veneer.Keep in mind, that Porcelain veneer is irreversible dental cosmetic procedure, meaning tooth structure needs to be removed and prepared.Lumineers however is a no prep,( no removal of tooth structure) but is will slightly be bulkier than veneer, but again it all depends on your clinical examination. You need to try to avoid chewing on ice,and be more cautious regarding biting on hard foods, since you do have a crack.Porcelain veneer can strengthen your tooth, but again before having it done, many factors must be considered vs a no prep or lumineer or other options mentione above.
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Q: Because I’m in the military, braces aren’t really allowed. What else could I do?
My teeth started to shift as a child. Poor family, never went to the dentist, therefore restorations, a root canal, and now braces have been or are now needed. Not sure what to do 🙁 Braces chit, Takes a lot of paper work, and most of the time the request gets denied. Since I’m young, most dentists recommend braces and no to veneers, so I’m in a tough situation. Looking for someone to help me through this journey. Im so ready to make a change! I just took some more pictures.
A: Your Best choice is to have braces, possibly Invisalign , they both will take quite some time.
Again, since I do advocate the least invasive dentistry, possibly you can do combination of braces and veneers.
Web reference:
Q: How severe is my cracked front right tooth?
My previous intimate partner Yanked a glass bottle from my mouth while I was drinking and it cracked my front right tooth next to my left front tooth. What is the best and affordable option. I haven’t seen a dentist yet so I’d like to go with some professional advice please help. Thank you for your time and consideration
A: You need to see a dentist to have your cracked tooth examined for sensitivity, and possibility of horizontal or vertical cracks.
1- Dental Bonding, which is a quick fix, for pros and cons you can visit our website, and it is the least expensive procedure
2- Dental porcelain veneer, is stronger and strengthens your tooth, it is more durable permanent restoration than dental bonding.I do not recommend lumineer for your tooth since it will look bulkier than your other front tooth, but a thin veneer can match your other teeth!
although to have a one veneer front tooth, can be challenging !
3- Consider a dental crown depending on your dental examination of the front tooth!
that is a more radical approach, which I try to avoid if possible, since it involves a more radical preparation by dentist to fit a crown for your tooth VS dental bonding or veneer.Best is to to have the least radical dental treatment, and the least invasive dentistry, and evaluate! You can always go to a more radical treatment if you started with the least conservative treatment.
Web reference:
Q: How can I make my two front teeth look shorter?
My two front teeth are sort of long, on the right side of my two front teeth, the tooth is crooked and makes one of my two front teeth look extremely long. How can I fix this?
A: If you do have long teeth or need to correct the shape of existing tooth, it is best to find a good cosmetic dentist, that is experienced in COSMETIC CONTOURING of your smile line.
The dentist must know how much can be removed from the enamel, and not expose the dentin on your tooth.In some cases if indicated, tooth movement is your other option, if you do not want your existing teeth to be contoured and shaped, in which that will take longer time to get the results.Best of Luck !
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Q: Can A Cavity Be Reversed Naturally?
Read so many studies that a small cavity can heal itself and decay gone by remineralization using fluoride and xylitol. Is this true? Can you actually heal a cavity by this method? Studies said rinsing with ACT( or any other fluoride rinse) & xylitol daily will actually reverse a cavity. I find it hard to believe. Once you have a cavity, small or not the only way is to fill it. But a dentist wrote that she has patients she has seen cavities gone in a few months with this method. Is this true?
A: Depending on the extent of caries, possibility of cavity reversal exists.
Generally the more acidic your saliva, the more prone you are to cavities or gum disease.Ask your dentist regarding the products available to aid you prevent decays, and gum disease.Good luck !
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Q: What can I do to get bigger teeth and a bigger smile?
I find that either my teeth are too small or my lips are too big. But then I think about all the people I know of that have bigger lips and a huge smile where their teeth show. Mine doesn’t show much and I’ve gotten so self conscious about it, if i laugh or smile with my mouth open, it almost seems like I have no teeth. FIY I’ve also had a revision rhino and Its still in the healing process so excuse my swollen nose…
A: It is best to visit a cosmetic dentist and consult your plastic surgeon.
Looking at your teeth , yes porcelain veneers or dental bonding can make your teeth longer, but it might not last a long time depending on your bite, and how many veneers we are placing to make your smile cosmetically pleasing, and FUNCTION the right way, so it can feel good and last a long time.The Length of your roots, and the level of your bone determines what can be done in combination with your existing bite.You will need a comprehensive dental evaluation to get the answers!in your case possibility of surgical intervention to lift up your lips in combination with dental veneers might work great, just looking at your pictures.This can give you a huge lift on how you feel about yourself, although it might be pricey, the outcome is well worth your investment. If you do have a cosmetic dentist, you need a complete evaluation.Best of luck,
Web reference:
Q: I have protruding and dark gums which can be seen when I smile.
Only maxillary gums
A: Dark gums can be turned to pink gums, via Gum bleaching.
Best of luck !
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Q: Can my four front teeth be fixed? They are huge and overlap my bottom teeth.
They are big and small ones
A: There are many options for your front teeth, Orthodontics can straighten, close the gaps, and fix the overlap.
the cost varies, the pros and cons of each procedure varies also.
You can even do combination of restorative and invisalign procedure, however ask your DDS to do a wax up for you, so you will know the end picture.
You really need a full mouth Evaluation for all above.
Hope I have helped you. Best of Luck!
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Q: What are my options for my smile?
I have always been unhappy with my smile and I was thinking about bonding due to the fact that it is more affordable. Do you think that would be a good option for my teeth?
A: Your best option is to have a cosmetic dentistry evaluation and consultation, and go from there, your options are the following:
HConsider orthodontics, or invisalign, due to gaps and spaces you have, this will take some time, if you want accelerated results (orthodontics or invisalign is not for you ).If you are not happy with the color, first do whitening of your teeth, to boost the desired color, understand that the bleaching procedure is not a permanent whitening of your teeth!To close the gaps and make your teeth more proportioned, (see Da Vinci golden proportions) and to restore natural beauty, you can consider dental bonding, which is the least invasive procedure (that is the good thing), however it can stain , and is not as permanent and strong, compared to dental porcelain veneers.The benefit to you, is that not much tooth removal is required, it can be done in one visit, the cost of dental bonding (depending on the expertise of the dentist) is lower compared to veneers, or dental porcelain crowns.The only draw back is possible staining, and the composite bonding material is not as strong compared to their counter part, Porcelain, meaning it can fracture or break.
If you are looking for a permanent restoration, you can consider dental porcelain veneers, in which the color you and your dentist choose will be stable, and the porcelain is strong, lasting you many years.The cosmetic dentist experience is of vital importance to prepare your teeth judiciously, and make your veneers last 20 plus years, consequently the costs of porcelain veneers vary tremendously depending on which cosmetic dentist you go to.
If you want the best, then probably you pay a higher fee for the dexterity, the artistic ability, and the know how of the cosmetic dentist.
Cost of dental treatments mentioned above vary, depending on each DDS and their experience, to give you the best and lasting results. Generally teeth whitening is the least expensive, followed by dental bonding, and invisalign, and the high end cost is when you choose to have porcelain veneers for the most permanent restoration.
Lastly Make sure after dental treatment is completed you are enrolled in a preventative care program, by your dentist, to protect your investment (best advice).
Good Luck!
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Q: What procedure would work best to close my gap Veneers or Bonding?
need to close this gap asap..tried 6 month braces didnt have a gap for 6 months and now i do..Help!
A: The Best way to close your gap, if you do not mind to have wider teeth is via dental bonding,
The benefit to you:
If you do not like your teeth to look wider and bigger, then you must find an expert cosmetic dentist to do an evaluation regarding your 4 front teeth, measure the space, and then do a wax up to properly divide the space for your 4 front teeth to show you the final outcome via veneersThe Advantage: you will have a permanent restoration, strong, that does not stain, and the shape of your teeth are more proportioned( read about Da vinci principal of golden proportion, and natural beauty, which you can find in our website.The disadvantage: tooth removal is required, the cost will be much more also, and you will be needing couple of visits.
Depending on your budget, and what exactly you want, the above apply.
hope I helped you, and good luck!
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Q: Should I go back to the dentist to have him correct an issue where food gets stuck between two crowns or is this normal?
I have two crowns on my lower back teeth where food (worse with steak/ chicken etc) always gets stuck between. When I floss, it’s very hard to get the food out. The floss also catches on something on one of the crown’s lower edges- like there is an overhang on the crown. Then, when I get the food out, the area is very sensitive to cold (like when I swish water around to clear the area). The dentist is aware of the part that catches on the floss, but did not seemed concerned enough to fix it.
A: Getting food stuck can cause periodontal breakdown of the bone and the gums, also can cause cavities on the roots of your teeth.
The benefit to you:
Most food can get stuck between teeth, due to pathologic migration, meaning tooth movements as the result of your bite and occlusion, in some instances bite adjustments can remedy the problem, however if food impaction continues , your dentist must close the contact between teeth, either via redoing the crown, or restoration, or in some cases orthodontic intervention, (for patients who did finish teeth movement, had orthodontics, however they do not wear the retainers ), to prevent caries, and gum disease.
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Q: Why am I experiencing pain after getting my crown put on?
I just had a crown put on my rear molar a week ago and continue to have pain. I have not even chewed on this side due to the discomfort. I am not sensitive to cold or hot but every time I bite down I can feel the pain. The crown was recommended by my doctor but I had no pain prior. Could he have drilled too deep striking a nerve to cause this pain? Am I really going to have to get a root canal now?
A: There are many possibilities :
The benefit to you:
If the dental crown is sensitive to chewing pressure, then the crown might be high, to your bite or occlusion.
Did your dentist warned you about any sensitivity before cementing your crown ? MAYBE DUE TO DEEP CARIES ? and possibility of root canal exists ?
The above are just possibilities, but there are many other factors that can cause sensitivity and discomfort, including nerves, gums, bite, and the method of cements used to seat your dental crown, and the type of crown you have. Is your crown an Emax? zirconia ? of porcelain fused to metal ? each crown have specific cement protocol, and if not followed can cause sensitivity, or pain also.
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Q: Is the cost of lumineers and veneers from a cosmetic dentist the same?
In all of my research it seems that the dentist has a lot less work with the lumineers. It stands to reason lumineers should be more cost effective.
A: The cost of lumineers must be LESS COST than porcelain veneers, since lumineers will takes less of the doctor’s time.
Please Note: lumineers is not for everyone !Porcelain veneers however require total planning, time of the DDS, skill as far as the preparation, the dexterity of the practitioner, and the know how, and the artistic eye of the cosmetic dentist to manifest what the patient wants.So Definetly comparing lumineers vs veneer cost, the porcelain veneers are more costly.
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Q: Can cocaine damage lumineers?
A: Drugs such as cocaine, does not damage the restoration itself ( such as veneers or dental lumineers), however it does cause dryness of your mouth, in which that can cause damage to the supporting structure of your teeth, roots, and gums by causing decay, and periodontal problems, besides the systemic problem it causes.
Alcohol can also cause dry mouth, in which can cause decay, and gingival dental problems.
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Q: Am I a candidate for having maxilla raised vertically to reduce gummy smile?
Judging from my photos would I be a candidate for this or would raising the maxilla cause too large a gap vertically between upper and lower teeth? As I am having surgery to advance upper and lower jaws I am wondering if also RAISING the upper jaw in addition would complicate the procedure significantly or not and what would it consist of surgically?
A: I personally am against raising Maxilla or Oral surgery if you can do it more judiciously.
Also know that a great Periodontist, can lower the lip line, without raising maxilla, We have treated many gummy smiles to great success without surgical jaw intervention, mostly with gum surgery and placing veneers. The patients loved the results.
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Q: Am I a candidate for having maxilla raised vertically to reduce gummy smile?
Hi, I recently had a root canal on my front tooth. It is still noticeably grey, by no means black though. I want to use that tooth as one of the abutments for a dental bridge, as I have a tooth missing next to it. Will a dental bridge cap completely cover the grey tooth? My dentist has brought up internal bleaching before doing so because the fake teeth are translucent and the grey may show through, though I’m not sure if he just wants me to pay more… Any help is appreciated, thanks!
A: Your dark tooth due to root canal, can definitely be covered if your dentist uses a porcelain fused to metal bridge, either precious metal or gold.
If your dentist is going to use Lithium Disilicate, such as Emax, which is usually translucent, Definitely the gray color must be addressed before preparation, Since your DDS must know the gray will show much darker after the preparation of your tooth, and will be flashing through the porcelain, on your new dental bridge.
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Q: What is the best concentration gel for bleaching?
I used some for half hour for two weeks. There’s some improvement. But still no where where my whiting needs to be. How long should I breach and how frequent in order to get the results I want? I don’t smoke, drink coffee, or tea.
A: First let your dentist guide you, to make sure the discoloration of your teeth are not intrinsic (meaning it is not internal discoloration), it can be difficult to bleach teeth with internal staining, such as tetracucline staining on teeth.
The whitening bleaching gels are 2 categories, one is with with carbomide peroxide , the other is hydrogen peroxide derivative.The hydrogen peroxide will give you a boost of color change much faster and in a shorter time.
Your best bet is (after you make sure your gums are healthy and No Roots are exposed and your fillings if any are not leaking) then get custom trays done. The custom trays are of vital importance to the final results.Then my recommendation will be use either 12-14% hydrogen peroxide gel or 22-36% carbomide peroxide gels. The duration for hydrogen peroxide bleaching must be limited to max 15 minutes, however for carbomide peroxide duration can go up to one hour a day for a week or two.If there is hypocalcification spots (white chaulky spots after your bleach ), then stop the whitening, also if there is any sensitivity stop whitening immediately and contact your dentist. If there is no change in color after a week, without sensitivity consult a cosmetic dentist for further guidence.
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