
在韦斯特伍德寻找美容牙医?Anthony Mobasser 牙医将为您提供值得信赖的卓越服务、效果和经验。

有很多值得欣赏的地方 韦斯特伍德该地区被洛杉矶、比佛利山庄和贝莱尔环绕。如果您不爱自己的笑容,您就会错过这个村庄所能提供的一切。当您没有信心外出购物、用餐或看电影时,是时候与我们西木区的美容牙医取得联系了。Anthony Mobasser 牙医可以帮助您拥有自己喜欢的容貌。当您来进行一次个性化的免费咨询时,您就会知道如何才能让您的笑容不再遮遮掩掩。

韦斯特伍德的美容牙医 | Anthony Mobasser 博士
Our patient from Westwood, California, was in urgent need of an expert cosmetic dentist to perform an extreme smile makeover. With his wedding just two weeks away, time was of the essence. He was particularly dissatisfied with the length of his teeth, both upper and lower, desiring a longer and brighter white smile. Additionally, he was frustrated with his chipped teeth, which were previously repaired with dental composite. Unfortunately, these repairs could not withstand the forces of his bite and would typically chip again in about a month.
The patient prioritized restoring his front teeth first, with plans to address the back teeth in the near future. After a comprehensive evaluation and consultation with our master ceramist regarding shape and color, the treatment was completed over two separate visits within one week. We opted for zirconia veneers, which are excellent for concealing dark discoloration and lengthening the teeth. Zirconia porcelain is one of the strongest porcelains available and is known for its durability against fractures.
The treatment involved minimal preparation of the teeth to conserve as much tooth structure as possible, ensuring a better bond and lasting results. Zirconia veneers are technically sensitive and require a precise protocol to ensure they do not come off.
Their strength and brightness perfectly aligned with the patient’s desires. The patient was ecstatic and incredibly proud of his new smile, especially with his wedding just around the corner. He was thrilled with his transformation and was ready to share his smile with the world!


Mobasser 牙医已经为数以千计的人带来了自信,这些人曾经自卑、隐藏自己的笑容、生活在阴影中。您的微笑会深深地影响您的自尊,我们不希望您在生活中为自己的容貌感到羞愧,尤其是在西木这样一个美丽的地方。请联系我们在韦斯特伍德的美容牙医,进行免费咨询,以获得与美丽相匹配的微笑。


成年人看牙医的速度不如小时候了。据疾病预防控制中心称 2019 年,64.9% 的成年人去看牙医.对自己的笑容不满意是很常见的。我们看到很多人对自己的牙齿和口腔外观感到担忧。我们在韦斯特伍德的整容牙医会为您提供以下服务 全口重建 它可以为您提供您所需要的改造。

您可能想知道什么是全口重建。这完全取决于您个人需要什么来获得最迷人的微笑。当您前来进行免费咨询时,我们可以帮您找出适合您的治疗方案。您将与 Mobasser 牙医进行一对一的交流,以获得您所需要的关注,从而确定如何为您打造完美的笑容。

如果您希望走出我们的诊室时,笑容更灿烂、更洁白,那么 牙齿漂白 或美白可能是您正在寻找的。您可以解决因食物、吸烟、咖啡、茶等引起的色素沉着问题,让您感觉无法为自己的笑容感到自豪。


如果您经常希望自己的牙齿更长、中间没有缝隙、不变色或稍微整齐,那么 嵌体 可能就是你所需要的。这些薄薄的瓷片粘合在牙齿上,让你的牙齿焕然一新。它是非侵入性的,只需去除极少量的天然牙齿结构。牙齿贴面可以让您瞬间看起来更年轻,我们在韦斯特伍德的美容牙医拥有 30 多年的经验,可以帮助患者实现梦想中的微笑。

对于很多人来说,牙齿缺失是一种巨大的不安全感。牙齿明显缺失的人会对自己的外貌感到自卑,当别人指出来时,他们会感到非常尴尬。有了 牙桥种植牙现在,您可以修复这些令人尴尬的微笑缝隙,让您看起来更健康、更年轻。

如果您想拥有美丽的笑容,从而开始享受与朋友们在日落大道上用餐和购物的时光,那么 Mobasser 牙医就是您在西木区的美容牙医。


当您想要改变笑容时,您需要立即与我们在韦斯特伍德的美容牙医取得联系。来找 Mobasser 牙医进行免费咨询,您可以确定自己需要进行哪些牙科治疗,以获得让您自信满满的笑容。