
在西好莱坞寻找美容牙医?Anthony Mobasser 牙医是您的不二之选。 

Anthony Mobasser DMD – West Hollywood Cosmetic Dentist

洛杉矶市中心 西好莱坞 is a hub of culture and diversity and is home to Sunset Strip. There is so much to do and see year-round and it would be a shame to miss out on a second of the fun because of being insecure about your smile. Dr. Anthony Mobasser, a dedicated cosmetic dentist in West Hollywood can help you get the radiant smile that you have always wanted.

当您预约免费咨询时,我们的明星牙医将为您提供个性化的服务。Mobasser 牙医曾为许多明星做过牙齿矫正。您的笑容也可以像您在日落大道购物时看到的明星一样耀眼夺目。我们将与您一起制定个性化的计划,解决您在笑容方面遇到的所有问题。

Before & After Smile Makeover in West Hollywood

Anthony Mobasser DMD West Hollywood Cosmetic Dentist


Our West Hollywood Cosmetic Dentist recently treated a patient who was unhappy with her front teeth due to several concerns. She had chipped teeth, noticeable yellow discoloration, mismatched colors across her front teeth, a root canal on one tooth, and white spots caused by hypocalcification. Additionally, she had a black space between her front teeth that was bothering her.

Determined to help her achieve the smile of her dreams, Dr. Mobasser designed a smile makeover for her front teeth. In just two visits over one week, this patient experienced a stunning transformation at our West Hollywood dental practice. Her confidence skyrocketed as a result, and she now radiates joy with her beautiful new smile. The patient’s story exemplifies how a carefully crafted smile makeover can lead to remarkable changes, not only aesthetically but also in boosting self-confidence.

Anthony Mobasser DMD West Hollywood Cosmetic Dentist


This patient traveled from the other side of the world, seeking the expertise of Dr. Anthony Mobasser, a renowned cosmetic dentist in West Hollywood near Beverly Hills. She wanted to address concerns with her front teeth, which were uneven. One of them was supported by a 种植牙 and others were treated previously with root canals with posts. She also suffered from gum inflammation and bleeding due to crowns that did not fit well.

Dr. Mobasser’s approach involved meticulously removing and replacing the implant crown, and placing 嵌体 on her canine teeth. Her front 6 teeth were restored with a blend of implant and porcelain crowns, while the remaining 4 received veneers, aimed at color matching, improving shape, and eliminating recurrent decay. The entire transformation, achieving a perfect fit and a healthy gum line, was completed in just 2 weeks, showcasing Dr. Mobasser’s commitment to enhancing aesthetic beauty and oral health.



说到完美的微笑,您可能会想到明亮、洁白、整齐、光彩照人的牙齿。如果牙齿有缝隙、牙齿缺失或断裂、牙齿因吸烟而变色或染色,或者牙齿的形状和大小不美观,都会让人对自己的笑容缺乏安全感。对于吸烟者来说,你的微笑也有可能受到影响。据疾病预防控制中心称 吸烟可导致牙龈疾病 会毁掉你的笑容。我们西好莱坞的美容牙医擅长全口重建,无论过去的活动对您的笑容造成了多大的伤害,他们都能为您恢复笑容。

如果你不喜欢自己牙齿的形状,牙齿之间有缝隙,对牙齿的大小不满意,或者牙齿变色、断裂,那么你应该考虑 嵌体 来解决这些问题。牙齿贴面是将薄薄的瓷片粘贴在您的天然牙齿上,可以解决您笑容中的许多问题。它们可以填补牙缝、矫正轻微的歪牙、遮盖变色、染色和断裂的牙齿。总之,牙齿贴面是让你看起来年轻健康的好方法。

如果您的牙齿缺失,当有人指出来时,您可能会感到羞愧。您可能会因此而感到自卑,以至于在社交场合避免让别人看到牙齿缺失,并因此而感到尴尬。对于这样的问题,我们西好莱坞的美容牙医建议您进行以下检查 牙桥植入物 来填补缺失的空隙。这不仅能让你看起来更漂亮,还能保护口腔结构的完整性,让你更容易咀嚼。

要想拥有更灿烂、更洁白、更健康的笑容,让您的 牙齿美白 可以完成这项工作。吃东西和喝水造成的牙齿着色会让你看起来比实际年龄老,也会让人觉得你的口腔不健康。我们为您提供牙齿美白和漂白服务,让您拥有美丽的笑容。漂白可以改变牙齿内部的颜色,而美白可以去除牙齿外部的污渍。

Mobasser 牙医会与您一起,告诉您应该进行哪些牙科治疗才能达到您想要的效果。


如果您想以最美的姿态出现在日落大道上,请与我们西好莱坞的美容牙医进行免费咨询。只需几次就诊,您的整体形象就会焕然一新。带着您梦寐以求的微笑离开。请立即致电我们,安排与 Mobasser 牙医一对一的会面。