
在布伦特伍德寻找美容牙医?Anthony Mobasser 牙医拥有无与伦比的经验和卓越的效果。

Cosmetic Dentist in Brentwood | Dr. Anthony Mobasser
A resident of Brentwood, California, recently secured a prestigious position in news media, which requires daily TV appearances. Understanding the importance of a radiant smile in his new role, he sought an experienced cosmetic dentist in Brentwood to enhance his dental aesthetics.
The patient expressed concerns about his dark yellow left central incisor, a consequence of previous root canal treatment. He also wanted to address a lateral incisor with a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown that displayed an unsightly dark band at the gum line. Additionally, he was dissatisfied with the varying colors of his front teeth and the old, worn-out dental bonding. His goal was a brighter, fuller smile that would instill confidence during his televised segments.
To achieve his desired outcome, we used a combination of feldspathic porcelain veneers and custom-made E-Max veneers, expertly matched to ensure a harmonious, natural look despite using two different materials and procedures.
Thrilled with the transformation, the patient now proudly flaunts his new smile on camera. He continues to visit our office regularly for maintenance and is firmly committed to preserving his dazzling smile with Dr. Anthony Mobasser.

该市人口近 62,000 人,居民有 布伦特伍德 在这里,您可以尽情享受以家族农场、葡萄园、户外活动和迪亚布洛山美景而闻名的休闲环境。在如此美丽的地方,如果因为对自己的笑容不满意而错过了想做的事情,那就太可惜了。如果您想改善笑容的外观,我们布伦特伍德的美容牙医可以帮助您。

Anthony Mobasser 牙医是一位明星牙医,已经为成千上万的人改变了笑容。他为患者提供所需的时间和关注,帮助他们确定正确的牙科治疗方案,让他们拥有梦寐以求的自信笑容。如果您想改变笑容,请立即联系我们,进行免费咨询。

在咨询过程中,您可以确定自己需要什么样的治疗,以获得美丽的微笑,让您忍不住向布伦特伍德的每一个人炫耀。我们有各种治疗方法来解决任何阻碍您的牙齿问题。Mobasser 牙医相信,微笑是心灵的窗户。如果您不为自己的笑容感到自豪,人们就无法看到真实的自己。让我们布伦特伍德的整容牙医为您彻底改变笑容,让您自信地走出去,向所有人展示自己。


据疾病预防控制中心称 25.9% 的 20-44 岁成年人患有未经治疗的龋齿.龋齿不仅会影响您的口腔健康,还会影响您的整体健康。如果您得不到所需的牙齿护理,您的微笑外观也会受到影响。牙齿问题是人们最终对自己的笑容不自信的一个重要原因。

When teeth are not taken care of, they can break, fall out, and become discolored. This can make your smile age you and make you look unhealthy. If you are worried about being aged by your dental issues, seeing a cosmetic dentist in Brentwood should be on top of your to-do list.Do you want brighter and whiter teeth? Maybe you have had years of tea or coffee drinking that has stained your teeth or smoking has discolored your enamel. We offer two types of treatment for giving your teeth a refresh. We do 牙齿美白 和牙齿漂白是两种不同的治疗方法,但效果相似,都是让笑容更灿烂、更健康。


你是否因为牙齿不美观而缺乏安全感?牙齿太小、稍有歪斜、破损或变色都会让你感到不安全。这些问题会让您看起来更老更不健康。我们的 牙科粘接瓷贴面 可能就是你需要的解决方案。

您的牙齿缺失了吗?如果您的牙齿明显缺失,您可能会发现自己在笑的时候会捂住嘴巴。当别人说起您的牙齿缺失时,您可能会感到羞愧。根据牙齿缺失的数量和您想要修复的方式,您可以获得 牙桥植入物 让你的笑容更加灿烂。



不要再为尴尬的牙齿问题而苦恼。我们可以为您提供解决方案。请来我们位于日落大道的办公室,与我们布伦特伍德的美容牙医会面。Mobasser 牙医很乐意与您坐在一起,为您评估您所需要的牙科治疗,让您走出我们的诊室时看起来比以前更好。