قبل إعادة بناء الأسنان في لوس أنجلوس

For many of د. موباسير patients, إعادة بناء الأسنان في لوس أنجلوس is the right procedure. It can give you the smile you’ve always wanted and much more. A cosmetic dentist with the abilities of Dr. Mobasser can make you look younger for an incredible boost of confidence. On top of that, it could give you a perfectly balanced bite. Teeth that are naturally white with an organic shape are just the icing on top. That being said, dental reconstruction is not right for everyone. Dr. Mobasser doesn’t recommend these procedures until many other methods and tactics have been tried first. In this blog, we’ll go over what has to be done before dental reconstruction.

قبل إعادة بناء الأسنان في لوس أنجلوس

Dr. Mobasser takes quite a bit into account before determining whether or not you’re a perfect candidate for dental reconstruction. Many of these facts can be found out by Dr. Mobasser during your initial consultation. When you come into our practice, you’ll meet with Dr. Mobasser or one of his other highly trained colleagues. You’ll be asked questions about your dental health and history. You’ll then be evaluated. After all, Dr. Mobasser will recommend what should be done to give you the smile you want. One of the most important questions you’ll be asked is what caused the root breakdown in your oral health, function, and cosmetics. Even if you don’t know the answer, trained professionals will work with you to find the best solution.

Full Mouth Reconstructive Dentist Checks

Before making a recommendation, there are many parts of your mouth that Dr. Mobasser must examine. “The hard tissue” is one such area. To be clear, when we say “the hard tissue,” we mean your bone level, and we’ll also look at the height and width of your bones. Then, we have to decide about “the soft tissue.” These are your gums; if they’re diseased or have problems (such as asymmetry), they must be considered. Many of these tests are to see whether certain parts of your mouth are healthy or diseased. That includes checking the “TMJ,” which stands for “temporomandibular joint.” Depending on these tests, Dr. Mobasser will either recommend the dental reconstruction or determine that there’s a better procedure that will be perfect for you.

اقرأ  من يقوم بإجراء أفضل عمليات ترميم الأسنان في لوس أنجلوس؟

قبل إعادة بناء الأسنان في لوس أنجلوس

Muscles, Color, and More

When we think about what goes into a dental reconstruction, we may think that all that matter is the teeth and gums. That’s not the case. Dr. Mobasser has to make sure that your muscles are hyperactive or not. On top of that, he has to see the color and size of your teeth. Indeed, there is a perfect length and ratio for your smile, which is what Dr. Mobasser is always trying to get to. Often, this works off of the “Dental Golden Proportions,” which comes from Da Vinci’s Principle of Golden Proportion.” In addition to that, Dr. Mobasser has to see what your facial and lip structure is. The top edge of your upper teeth versus your lip line is one of the several things Dr. Mobasser has to consider before determining the right course of action for you.

تحليل العضة

When your bite is incorrect or “off,” it can lead to many problems. This is the kind of thing that a full mouth reconstruction can help with quite a bit. That being said, this is something that has to be precise. So, Dr. Mobasser or one of his associates does a complete bite analysis. If there’s a problem with your bite, no matter how slight, they’ll find it. It is better to know about a potential bite issue and head it off instead of fixing it later.

Of course, Dr. Mobasser is always aware of whether or not clients need endodontics treatment. They may have damaged nerves or some thermal sensitivity. With this lengthy list, it’s important to note that these are just some factors that Dr. Mobasser takes into account, and there are more. The reason for all these evaluations is simple: Dr. Mobasser wants to ensure that you get the right dental procedure for your needs. He believes in doing the least invasive option as much as possible, maintaining as much of your natural organic tooth structure as can be done. That way, you’ll have the most natural smile possible. Of course, Dr. Mobasser can help you to get your best smile no matter what. Schedule a free consultation today by calling us at (310) 550-0383 or messaging through our site.

اقرأ  المزايا العديدة لرابطة الأسنان المركبة

هل تبحث عن طبيب أسنان تجميلي في لوس أنجلوس? إذا كنت ترغب في تحسين ابتسامتك والشعور بمزيد من الثقة، فلا تبحث عن الدكتور أنتوني موباسر.

مع أكثر من 30 عاماً من الخبرة، يستخدم د. موباسر تقنيات متقدمة وتقنيات من الدرجة الأولى لتصحيح العيوب في أسنانك، مما يمنحك ابتسامة مثالية.

لقد جمع الدكتور موباسر قائمة طويلة من العملاء المشاهير الذين يعرفون أنه يمكنهم الاعتماد عليه لمساعدتهم على إظهار أفضل ما لديهم. إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على ابتسامة هوليوود، اتصل بطاقم العمل في عيادة الدكتور مبصر في لوس أنجلوس لتحديد موعدك الأول.

لتسهيل العملية، نقدم لك استشارات مجانية لبدء رحلتك نحو ابتسامتك الجديدة. اتصل بنا اليوم للبدء!

تابعنا على فيسبوك للحصول على التحديثات اليومية والنصائح الصحية للفم والأسنان!