متى يجب عليك التفكير في إعادة بناء الفم بالكامل؟

Full mouth reconstruction is not for every dental patient. Many of us are embarrassed by small chips or stains in our teeth. Others, however, are dealing with more significant dental issues. Unfortunately, these issues can’t be resolved with just one cosmetic dental treatment. Suppose your issues result from missing teeth, infection, shifted teeth, a bad bite, TMD, gum disease or trauma, worn-out teeth, old dentistry, or any combination of the above. In that case, Dr. Anthony Mobasser can help restore your confidence, smile, and function using full mouth reconstruction.

When it’s the best time to consider a full mouth reconstruction?

A full mouth reconstruction is a treatment plan that rebuilds and restores the bite, function, and gorgeous smile. It involves several dentistry options and tackles cosmetic, general, and restorative care. Dr. Mobasser will have an entire team of specialists consisting of periodontitis, oral surgeons, Endodontists, and Anesthesiologists to help rehabilitate your teeth and smile.

Because you have tooth decay or gum disease doesn’t mean you need a full mouth or dental reconstruction. Our reconstructive dentist, Dr. Mobasser, will need to evaluate your full mouth to determine what is best for you. It is possible that if all your teeth are worn down, and you desire longer teeth, especially for your front teeth, reconstructive dentistry is needed to build up the bite قبل restoring your front teeth to the length and width you want.

Dental Reconstruction may also be considered if your teeth incurred significant damage or injury or they’ve been worn down due to grinding or eating certain acidic foods. A full mouth reconstruction is also a good option if you’re experiencing facial muscle pain or TMD symptoms. For more detailed information on full-mouth reconstruction in our Los Angeles Office, click here: https://celebritydentist.com/full-mouth-reconstruction/.

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Because of its complexity, this procedure should only be carried out by an expert full-mouth dentist like Dr. Anthony Mobasser. He has been practicing in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, CA, for over 26 years. Since he specializes in full-mouth dental reconstruction and cosmetic dentistry, He has attracted many patients around the world to his Los Angeles private practice to have their mouths rehabilitated and rejuvenated.
With more than 26 years of vast knowledge and experience in full-mouth dentistry, he has become the leading specialist worldwide and the Hollywood movie industry elite.

So, where do you start? What to do if you believe you need a full mouth dental reconstruction?

You will need a full mouth comprehensive evaluation in his office. For more information on full-mouth evaluation, click here: https://celebritydentist.com/why-full-mouth-evaluation-examination-is-necessary-before-you-ask-the-price/.
After a complete evaluation, Dr. Mobasser will determine the etiologic factors and the overall condition of your teeth, bone, bite, and gums and determine if they contribute to your symptoms. He also will do a complete dental cosmetic evaluation to design the smile you want.

Once the comprehensive examination is made, he’ll provide you with choices. He will not only discuss the pros of an option, but he will also explain its cons, as well as the risks of every procedure. In this way, you can make sure that you’ve made an informed decision.

It’s crucial for him that you’re comfortable with your bite before you undergo the final phase of a full-mouth dental reconstruction. For more detailed information on dental reconstruction, click here: https://celebritydentist.com/dental-reconstruction/.
He’ll ensure that your smile’s final restoration can sustain its optimal form and will function permanently. To ensure the longevity of your dazzling smile, you’re automatically enrolled in its preventative dental care.

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To make an initial evaluation and examination with the complete mouth reconstruction expert, please call us at (310)-550-0383. By Appointment Only.

هل تبحث عن طبيب أسنان تجميلي في لوس أنجلوس? إذا كنت ترغب في تحسين ابتسامتك والشعور بمزيد من الثقة، فلا تبحث عن الدكتور أنتوني موباسر.

مع أكثر من 30 عاماً من الخبرة، يستخدم د. موباسر تقنيات متقدمة وتقنيات من الدرجة الأولى لتصحيح العيوب في أسنانك، مما يمنحك ابتسامة مثالية.

وقد جمع الدكتور موباسر قائمة طويلة من العملاء المشاهير الذين يعرفون أنه يمكنهم الاعتماد عليه لمساعدتهم على إظهار أفضل ما لديهم. إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على ابتسامة هوليوود، فاتصل بطاقم العمل في عيادة الدكتور مبصر في لوس أنجلوس لتحديد موعدك الأول.

لتسهيل العملية، نقدم لك استشارات مجانية لبدء رحلتك نحو ابتسامتك الجديدة. اتصل بنا اليوم للبدء!

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