Several factors affect the overall cost of a dental implant. These factors include the implant dentist who’ll perform the procedure, the condition of your bones, the number of teeth that need to be replaced, the intricacy of the procedure, and several others.
How about dental insurance? It’s not always covered.
Dental implants are more expensive than bridges, dentures, and other traditional alternatives. To know the exact cost of your dental implants, you should visit د. أنتوني Mobasser’s dental office, the authority in cosmetic dentistry and the go-to implant dentist.
Single Tooth Implant
It can range from $1,000 to $3,000. But it doesn’t include the costs for abutment and crown, which can go from $500 to $3,000. So, the average cost of a single tooth implant can be $4250. Furthermore, if your condition requires bone grafts and extractions, the price can go up to $10,000 for a single tooth implant. A full-mouth implant density can range from $80,000 to $100,000.
د. موباسير will give you an idea of the cost of your dental implant after you’ve undergone a preliminary examination. Some patients would go to foreign countries for their dental implants at lower prices and go to India, the Philippines, Africa, and South Europe. However, most implant dentists in these countries aren’t experts in this field. Most of the time, they give you a quote that looks too good to be true.
When it comes to your teeth, you deserve high-quality service with long-lasting results. They come at a high price, but it’s all worth it. A dental implant is like having open heart surgery. Would you take the risk of having it done by the cheapest surgeon?
The cost of dental implants is usually a factor, but there are other things that you should consider. Before you have a dental implant, consider the dentist’s experience, safety, knowledge, and long-term benefits, among others. You also must remember that dental implants will become a permanent structure in your mouth, and they can be taken out, but they may cause significant damage to your teeth and jawbone.
For that reason, Dr. Mobasser doesn’t recommend dental implants immediately after seeing you. Instead, he’ll consider other options. Before recommending an implant, he’ll save your tooth before extracting it. As a holistic dentist, he’ll ensure you keep your natural tooth.
If you wish to know the exact cost of a dental implant for your condition, make an appointment today by calling.
(310) 550-0383
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