Dentists in Los Angeles or Beverly Hills have different fees for the dental services they render; it all depends on the quality of care, the know-how of the dentist, experience, their facility, and of course, the severity of the case treated. Dentistry, which lasts a long time and looks good, is not cheap. The fact that you do not have insurance does not change the fees, and dental insurance is just a little help since dental insurances always have a maximum they pay out per year, which can be anywhere from $500 to $3000 per year for group insurances. Also, be informed that they pay 50 to 80% of their insurance fees and not your dentist fee he is charging, so in some ways, you are better off not having dental insurance since the prices you pay for your dental insurance monthly are reimbursed to the dentist when you have the treatment done. Unfortunately, dental insurance is not like medical insurance, in which treatment is covered unlimited.
​ Understand that higher-end dentistry, such as cosmetic dentistry or full-mouth dental reconstructions, are usually not covered by dental insurance since they know it is more extensive and expensive. Again each expert dentist has different fees, depending on their expertise and reputation.
Depending on your expectations, you can check with other dentists regarding second opinions, different options, and fees if you need extensive dentistry or dental treatment. The bottom line is that you must trust the treating dentist and be comfortable with his dental care.
د. أنتوني موباسر
Reconstructive & Cosmetic Dentistry
9201 W. Sunset Blvd suite 618, Los Angeles, Ca 90069
P: 310-550-0383
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