Does Bleaching Damage Teeth | Teeth Whitening And Bleaching In Los Angeles
Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Anthony Mobasser advises that in high concentrations and longer durations, bleach can absolutely damage teeth, gums, and even bone.
Make sure your bleaching procedures are carried out by only qualified and accredited cosmetic dentists.
For more info on our teeth whitening and bleaching:
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High concentrations of bleaching can definitely be detrimental to the teeth, to the gums, and to the bone. Also, the duration of each time you put a bleaching tray on or you go to the dentist to get bleaching done, must be monitored for possible sensitivity due to micro cracks, recessions of the gums or leaky fillings. One of the biggest problems I’ve had and I’ve seen is the rarely documented irreversible damage to the root of the tooth, especially if the patient does have recessions of the gum. The bleach can go thru dentin tubules and cause irreversible damage to the nerve of the tooth. It can cause internal resorption or possibly external resorption.
For more information on internal bleaching for dark tooth and general bleaching of your smile contact Dr Mobasser.
Recessions of the gum occur when the upper gums are pulling away from the tooth and the lower gums are going lower. That exposes the root. If the root is sensitive to begin with you should not do any kind of bleaching. You should fix the gums first, either by doing grafts or by doing dental bonding prior to starting the bleaching. If the bleach goes through the dentin tubules through the root, there can be irreversible damage.
Usually, testing of the roots should be done by a licensed dentist. That’s why د. موباسير doesn’t recommend anybody to simply go around bleaching their teeth without having seen a licensed dentist before and going through a regular check-up. There has been many cases documented that bleaching teeth caused irreversible damage and the patient had to go thru root canal therapy or even surgical intervention to save the tooth after bleaching without a proper examination, and x-rays!